Thursday, April 24, 2008


Mom's surgery was moved up from this afternoon to 8:50 am Fortunately, Daddy called just before 6:00 so I was able to get dressed and out the door in time before she left and dad sat alone.( even with the morning traffic )

The surgeon came to talk to me after the surgery and told me that it had gone well. It did not appear to be super infected, but he cultured it and did a thorough wash out. They have her on iv antibiotics now. She does not know this yet, and I hope to shield her from it for a while longer.But she will be staying over the weekend and will start chemo Monday. PLEASE DO NOT say anything to her about this if you call. I want her mental state to be positive and to just take one day at a time. Not getting to go home before she starts the chemo will be really hard for her. I just want her to have another day to come out of the medicine haze. She will go back into surgery again tomorrow for the port placement.
Please pray for her as this is always a tough thing for her to bounce back from when she goes under general anesthesia. (it may be the conscious sedation, not sure yet)

Thank you again for all your prayers and support.
We love you.


Anonymous said...

John- Thanks for starting and maintaining this blog!

Kim- I love you friend, be strong!

Ladeva & Warren- You are dearly loved, we are praying for you both.

Dave & Ann, Jacob & Addison, too.

Anonymous said...

We are so thankful for this blog site and being able to keep up with all that's going on. (Thank you Brian and Kimberly!) Karl and I love you very much and we're praying for you daily. With love from your cousins in Dallas, Candi

Anonymous said...

Just learned the news from Lina and my brother. Much has happened since our last conversation... wow. You and your whole family are in my thoughts. You have such a strong family and faith--may your mom reap the blessings of both right now. You know our moms; they're not used to being on the receiving end of things. They are the givers and the doers. I will be praying for your mom.

All our love,
Kris & Steve & Co.