Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Round 5 of chemo.

Tuesday, December 30, 2:15 PM

I just spoke with Carmen who is with Mom and Dad at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.
Mom had an appointment there first to access her port, draw blood for lab tests prior to chemo, and to see her Oncologist.

The port access was not as swift as last time and there was some confusion over the length of needle being used, but in the end they were both accessed, though not pain free. :(

Up to the exam room they went and were met by the Dr. There they found out that Mom's potassium levels were too low again. This is a puzzling issue for them as Mom is not on any medication that would make her potassium low. They are concerned that there might be some kidney damage due to the strong chemo meds used. In addition, Mom's leg at the surgical site, is still a little warm so they have decided to continue her regimen of antibiotics while she is in the hospital.

The ray of sunshine she received is that since they are concerned about her kidneys, they have decided to not use one of the two chemo drugs on her this round until they are certain it is not causing irrepairable damage. This will reduce her stay from a 5day stay to a 3 day stay, so she may be home this weekend. They are reducing it again by just 5%, but we do hope it will be enough to eliminate the mucusitis- mouth and throat sores that have plagued her each time previously.

While she is in the hospital they will send in some renal specialists to better assess her kidneys for any permanent damage. This is an area we would appreciate your prayers.

I know it is always hard to go back to the hospital knowing what she is facing, but she, as usual, is keeping a stiff upper lip and a smile on her little sweet face.
(so Carmen tells me:)

They will ring in the new year at UWMC, but we are hopeful that 2009 will continue to be full of God's blessings, love and protection.

May God bless you all as well in 2009.

Thank you for reading this blog and praying for our Mom and Dad.
We appreciate you all.

Kimberly and family

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Long overdue update

I realize it has been quite some time since we have updated the blog. I know many of you check regularly to see how Mama is doing. I'm sorry it has been so long. Mama is doing pretty well. Her healing from the surgery is going a lot slower than she would like, but we were told it would be slower due to her chemo and radiation treatments. Leg swelling and stiffness is one of the main things she battles with. Physical therapy has been working with her to reduce the swelling and improve her circulation. We are hoping the stiffness will get better as the swelling gets better. She has some occasional nerve pain, but is trying to control it with medication.

Mama had an appointment on the 16th to have her port flushed and to have blood draws. Due to so many port problems and pain associated with accessing it, she was really dreading the appointment. Praise God! The appointment went well. There were no problems accessing the port this time and there was minimal pain. Her leg was starting to get infected at the incision site, so they started her back on antibiotics. Hopefully that will be cleared up before she has to return for chemo. She goes back on the 30th for her 5th round of chemo. We will first be taking her to Seattle Cancer Care to have her port accessed and to meet with doctors before being admitted into UW Medical Center. This time we will be requesting the same young gal to access her port that took care of her on the 16th.

We are very thankful that Mama is able to be home for Christmas and feeling relatively well. She is of course not looking forward to starting chemo on the 30th, being sick and losing her hair all over again, but she is thankful for the time she has been given. She is a women of great faith and love for the Lord. I've heard her tell the Lord she didn't want to go through this again, but if it was part of His will for her to do chemo again, she is willing to do it for Him. She has asked God to use it for His glory. I feel so blessed that she is my mom.

When I think about the fact that Sarcoma cancer does not always respond to chemo, I am reminded how blessed we are that Mama's treatment has been so successful. I don't seem to run out to tears of thankfulness to God. God's hand has truly been upon her. I realize that God's healing is not always on this earth, so I am forever grateful to God for her healing and continued presence in my life.

This year has been a rough year on so many levels. God promises to never leave us or forsake us. Even in the midst of the turmoil and pain, He has been and continues to be near. God has used many of you to show our family His love and comfort. Thank you.

Since this blog will probably not be updated until Mama goes back on the 30th, I would like to wish all our family and friends a Merry Christmas. We are so thankful for each of you and for the many prayers on our behalf. May God pour out His blessings upon you this Christmas and always.

With love,
Carmen and family

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A plan of attack!

Yesterday was the day we met with Mom's entourage of Dr.'s at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.

The outcome was much as we expected with a few new items.

Her leg is healing where the tumor was removed, but her surgeon would like a little more time between the surgery and the next round of chemo. He also was a bit concerned that her knee was getting a little stiff from the swelling and constant elevation without much movement.
He has ordered a CPM machine which is what you use after a knee replacement is done. You set your leg in it and it slowly moves and bends the leg and knee for you continually. She will use this for the next two weeks and try to loosen the knee a bit.

She goes back in two weeks to see them again and have her port accessed and flushed.

She will then go back on December 30th after she has enjoyed Christmas to start round 5 of her chemotherapy treatment. She will be in for the 5-6 days as before and after she is released the first week of January, will be back on the 21 day cycle before returning for round 6.

The other good news is that they have decided to cut back on one of the chemo drugs a bit more this time in hopes of minimizing the mucusitis that she has had after each round previously. This is a big praise as the mucusitis always lands her in the hospital for an additional 3 - 6 days. She gets horrible sores in her mouth and down her throat and is unable to even swallow her own saliva.

All in all, it looks like she should be done by the first week of February.

Mom is really hoping to take a trip to see some of her faithful family fans in February, but it may need to be pushed back a bit so she feels well enough to travel.

That is the plan as of now. She is still experiencing some pain from the nerve that was severed during surgery and is trying to find the right combination of meds to help the pain.

For now, she is home and enjoying her Christmas tree, decorations, friends and family.

We thank you for your prayers and love of her and Dad. We probably won't have anything new to post until after her visit in two weeks.

With love,
Kimberly and family