Friday, October 14, 2011

"Finding Victory ...."

Friday October 14, 2011
Today is day 4 of mom being off all her anti nausea/ pain meds!! She is finding victory and we are so happy to update the blog with some great news thanks to your faithful prayers for Mom's healing.
A week ago today Mom, Maria and I headed south to the Rose Garden in Portland to attend "Women of Faith" It was attended by 7,000 women and was a tremendous weekend.
"Women of Faith" is a weekend of motivational Christian speakers, music, and fun.
We borrowed a wheelchair so that mom would not have to expend any more energy than to just soak in the message for that weekend.
Mom had a great evening on Friday and slept well. We were blessed to be in a place where we could give her meds with the hot food she had come to rely on. We got to the Rose Garden and our concerns about hot food disappeared with the realization that the Garden was "Open for business" :) Every food vendor was in full swing and we did not have to leave to get warm drinks and food for her meds.
Late morning when one of the sessions started a worship team came on stage to lead some singing. There is a cd I got mom about a year ago by musician Kari Jobe. I bought the cd for a song called "Healer". It talks about how God knows our every moment and sees every hurt, pain and trial. It talks about how God walks with you through every struggle and that He is the one who heals. As Mom was sitting in her chair listening to the words she was feeling moved by the words and was taking them in as if they were her prayer to Him. The words say that "Nothing is impossible for You, You hold my world in your hands". She really felt God's presence and we decided that we were just going to claim those words as her own.
She continued to feel good all weekend and never once got sick, nauseated or exhausted.
The next few days she stayed on her routine with meds but by Tuesday she realized she had been feeling so great since Saturday that she questioned if she really even needed the medication at all.
She took her meds for the last time Tuesday night before bed and for the first time in months slept through the night without waking up and taking medication!
She woke Wednesday so thankful and grateful. She has not taken another pill since that night. God has certainly healed her from nausea and pain. She has had a great week. She has painted a bit, taken her sister in law to Yelm to see her brother and sister in law and is feeling great. She continues to get stronger daily. Today we went to lunch with Judy Panco and have had such a sweet day. I came to help out with some little projects but spent most of the time fussing at her to sit down and rest.
She looks so good. Her eyes are sparkling again and she is smiling. Thank you for your persistent prayers. Prayer does change circumstances, God still heals and we are thankful to you all for your faithfulness in praying for her all these months.
Will try to update you perhaps after her oncology visit in another 3-6 weeks. Feel free to call her.
We appreciate you all so very much. The prayer, calls, cards and encouragement have been a sweet gift.
With a joyful and thankful heart,
Kimberly and family