Sunday, May 30, 2010

A message from Mom! :) 5/ 30/10

I haven't written for some time and wanted to touch base with you all,and let you know how things are going for Warren and I.

On April 27, we got another good report from the Dr's. in Seattle.Everyday is a celebration now!

Warren is working, and glad to have a job, when there are so many out of work.He drives a very long distance to and from work, so he has long days.
I am so enjoying being able to do the things that I couldn't do last year at this time. Today, the weather was so nice, we planted some flowers and did some weeding. It felt good to be out pulling weeds again. I never enjoyed it so much before!
I am volunteering at the Gospel Lighthouse Mission on Mondays. We serve Coffee and rolls to people in the morning, and a light lunch at noon and throughout the day. They always have soup and hot dogs unless the volunteers make something and bring in. There are people living on the street or in cars. I have met women from battered women shelters, some from the drug rehab, and people just out of work having trouble making it. They offer clothing, shoes, coats etc. and they also give bags of food to families who are in need.We want to share God's love not just in words, but also in personal care. It is something I have thought about doing for sometime and I am glad for the opportunity.
Tuesdays, I have been going to a ladies Bible study with a friend in Onalaska.I have met 8 new friends, and have really enjoyed learning more. Afterwards, I go to see Warren's mom, Evelyn and spend several hours with her.I have looked forward to spending more time with her.
Wednesdays are my day to get caught up with housework, washing, errands or whatever.
Thursdays are really fun. Two of my friends come to our house and we attempt to learn more about painting. We are all artist wannabees, but we have so much fun painting, visiting, and laughing.
Fridays are not planned so I can get extra things done, or just have time for unexpected blessings. Last Friday, my sister, Eddie came and spent the day with me.When I was sick, she came and stayed with me,now I can make her lunch when she comes to visit.
Weekends come and go quickly. We want to visit Evelyn, spend time with our children and grandchildren as often as we can,and go to Church.Our weekends fly by, and it feels like the months are also short.
I never appreciated life to it's fullest until now.I am thankful for everyday that God gives me, and I want to show Him that I appreciate it by loving every blessing that He gives me.
I go back to Seattle in July for my 3 month check up. I'm looking forward to more good news. I still know that you all have had a part in my healing by praying for me. Thank you with all my heart, for hanging in there with me. I have been so blessed!

Love and happiness for a wonderful summer. Ladeva