Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Please read this entire post, as it contains two notes from Kimberly, one from Tuesday afternoon and one from Tuesday night.

Hi everyone,
I don’t have a lot to report on Mom today.
I got up here about 10:00 am. Daddy went home to get some clothes and night gowns for Mama and get the mail etc. and will return in a few hours.
We still have no word on if her leg is infected or not, but feel it is probable she will have the wash out surgery on Thursday, and the port put in on Friday. We won’t know about going home until we find out the infection status. So once again, I’m asking everyone to pray that there is no infection and no need for the surgery on Thursday.
Mom’s long time friend Ann Sjoden came to see her sister who is on the 4th floor here at UWMC and also received a recent diagnosis of cancer. Her name is Jodee and we would like to ask you to pray for her as well.
I had a sweet surprise today. Christa Ellis, my Supervisor and friend, from my years at PCLI came by to see me and give me a much needed hug, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers picked from her yard for Mom. They are beautiful and smell so nice. I hadn’t seen Christa in a few years, but she emailed me out of the blue a month or so ago and Brian sent her the blog address. Thank you Christa, the flowers were beautiful and the hug was needed and appreciated.
Mom’s leg is sore and hurting today. Please pray that she gets some rest and that the pain eases for her.
Tomorrow is our daughter Paris’s birthday. She will be 10 and has been looking forward to tomorrow for about 364 days. J Wednesday is a half day of school for the kids so I will be staying home. Nothing is scheduled for Mom on Wednesday so I will stay close and pick the kids up at noon. If anything happens, Dad will call me and I get it on the blog. I hate to not be here, but I have not seen the kids more than a few hours since last Monday. I will be back up here on Thursday for the surgery and to stay with Daddy. I will keep you all posted.
Once again we thank you for your love and support and are so grateful for the love God has sent us from unexpected places.
Yesterday, Dad’s sister Sherry and her boyfriend Tom drove all the way up here to come into the lobby and deliver a few cards and lots of love. They didn’t stay but a few minutes and then drove all the way back home. On Dad’s way down to the lobby, the patient’s husband from next door, asked Dad what was going on with Mom. Dad told him and the man asked Daddy if he could pray with him right there in the hall. Dad was so humbled and thanked him, and they bowed their heads and prayed together. Two men, total strangers, yet bound together by their love, trust, and faith in Jesus Christ. A total stranger blessed my Dad right on the spot. That man didn’t have to approach Dad, but he did and the gift he gave was not one you can describe. Later, they were checking out as Dad came back up and they told him they would continue praying for Mama. God sent His love through a stranger. He is always faithful. Always.

My favorite verse that I clung to when our son Brittain was in the hospital as a baby for all those months was:
Psalm 46:10
“ Be still, and know that I am God”

I will continue to cling to that verse and God’s sovereignty in all of this.
Even though we were shocked by this diagnosis, He was not.
Thank you,

It’s 10:00 pm Tuesday night. Mom’s fever is starting to rise again and after numerous discussions and consulting with Dr.’s they have made the decision to go ahead and start a wide range antibiotic now. The problem however, is Mom’s iv has failed. She needs the iv for the antibiotic, and she was poked over a dozen times to get the this one in.

We NEED that port placed so she doesn’t have to keep going through this. She is still not scheduled until Friday for that.

Please pray that they get it in on the first try and that they move her up earlier in the surgery schedule rather than later so we don’t have to watch her go through more needle poking.
Please also pray that her knee replacement is protected. She can get an infection there as well and it would not be good. The wound is only about 4” from her knee.
Please pray for my Dad. He says he is doing “ok”. But I am hating it that I am not there with them right now.
My sweet Mom. My precious Dad. I love you so very much and am in constant prayer for you.


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