Saturday, April 26, 2008


Hi there,
Mom is now sleeping soundly. When she got back from recovery, her pain was between a 7 & 8. It was quite a bit rougher on her than she had expected. She is extremely sore. They gave her some pain meds and she was able to eat a half of a sandwich before the meds knocked her out. The port site is very sore. It was giving her throbbing pain prior to the pain meds kicking in. Mom says she feels beat up. They gave her a new IV in her left arm in OR. They will need that line for the CAT scan which will most likely be done today (Saturday). It looks like they were trying to get a line in her right hand but failed. Her little hand is black and blue and swollen. It made me nauseous to see her bruised again. We are not sure when they expect to take her for the CAT scan. To be determined... I plan on staying the night here. .
Love you lots,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ray & Ida and Lynn
Dad and I just got back from a night at Timber Valey and on the way back he said we had to check on Ladeva. I will try to print latest for him.
Dad has started the process to move Mom to Winlock. Hope it becomes reality. It will be so much nicer to have her closer.
Love to all but especially our Lovey. Love, LYnn