Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday evening

Hi everyone,
Dad spoke with Mom and told her the schedule for the week. She was disappointed and sad, but handled it beautifully and with the grace and dignity she has demonstrated my whole life.
She is not in any pain right now, but when she stands she has a new pain in the side of her knee.
She is quite worried about the knee replacement. We will ask the Dr. about it in the morning. Please pray that this is not a complication.
She is talking with Sadie and Nate while I write this and they are keeping her laughing.
Now that, is good for the soul!
Carmen is going to be here with Dad and Mom tomorrow, but I will update this after her port placement. It is scheduled for 3:30 so we won’t have anything to report until the evening sometime.
We had another sweet nurse today 7:00AM to 7:00 PM. Her name is Mandy and she is a believer. She is back on Monday and chemo certified, so we are hoping to have her the day Mom starts treatment. She was so sweet. When she got off work, she told Dad out in the hall, that she loved Mom and cried. Then she added that this is only the second time she has ever broken down and cried like that. I’m not surprised. Mom has that affect on people. She’s so sweet and genuine and loving. She complimented Mandy on her scrubs once and they giggled about clothes. Later they chatted about Mandy’s “darling” shoes. Turns out Mom has a pair just like them. Groovy.
Thank you to all of you who have emailed . I read the blog, comments and her email to her daily. She looks forward to it and it makes her smile. She tells me little snippets about each of you she knows, and I tell her little snippets about the ones I know. :-)

We have decided we have the best friends and family that can be found. We are blessed.
We are reading through some of the Psalms. It’s a good read.
Love and hugs to you all.


Anonymous said...

hey sissy,
I am like a mad woman until i hear what is going on with you each day.
was so glad to hear that the wash went well and will be so happy when this is all history and you are well again. that will be the happiest day of my life. and then we will start to make reservations to az. and texas!!
God must be pleased and amazed by the number of prayers that are coming up there daily with your name on them., heaven must be half full of them, like confetti all over the place. Wouldn't Warren love that??? ha
It still amazes me how God gives us the strength to be strong when we need to be strong, for when I am weak, He makes me strong. His grace is sufficient & his mercy overflows.
I love you darling dee, so tie a knot and hold on!!! better days are coming.

Anonymous said...

i think that several people are glued to the blog, checking every few hours or so, waiting for updates. it feels like the only thing we can do. i can only imagine how helpless all of you feel. i don't think most of us are really worried though... we KNOW everything will be okay. ;o)
love, bri

Anonymous said...

Ladeva you are the sweetest ever... and always find the good in all...I am glad you are being treated well....and have some good nursing staff.

I am planting purple petunia's in your honor today,since we both like purple!!!There is actually some sun today!!!

Just remember we love you and think of you daily!!

Purplegirl 8)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Auntie,
I am watching every blog entry to try to keep up. I know that Kim and all are busy, and this is the best way to keep up-to-date. Know that I'm here for you, Uncle Warrne and your whole family, and that I'm praying for you as I know everyone who has EVER met you is, and that I love you TONS :)
Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised by the affect Ladeva had on nurse Mandy. Everyone who meets Ladeva loves Ladeva. You are the sweetest person I've ever met. I'm thinking of you all the time.

Janet Watermelon