Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday June 26, 2008

Hi everyone,
Just a reminder that tomorrow night is the next benefit meeting in Centralia at 7:00 PM.

We need SO much help to pull this off. If you are able to help in any capacity at all we would greatly appreciate your presence at these meetings.

If you are able to attend, the meeting is being held at:

The Edison Place
201 N. Rock Street
Centralia, WA 98531

Due to a reception being held in the building tomorrow night, please enter off Pine street into the meeting room reserved for us.

There is so much to be done, from set up, to clean up, to cutting dessert, to making signs, procuring much needed items, and much much more.

Now that Mom is feeling better, the hardest task we will have is keeping her little servant's heart from working at the benefit herself.

Please consider coming if you are at all able. We need as many hands as are able to help.

Mom had a good day yesterday. She had a chiropractic appointment and feels so much better. Too many days in bed has made her have an achey breaky back. She and Judy Panco did some WalMart shopping, Dad took her to dinner and they took a little drive in the sun. She had such a great day she said and is feeling grateful for every day.

We appreciate you posts on the blog. She enjoys reading them and is grateful to you for taking the time to write to her and send all the encouraging messages. You are each a sweet gift.



Anonymous said...

Hi Deva,
So glad you had a bright Thursday. You are constantly on our minds and we're praying for you every day. I want to see you up and in running shape soon. It will happen. Enjoy the rest of your wonderful week. Good results will follow. Love and Good night.
Jerry xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Dear Deva,
You look so wonderful in the picture on the blog--with the same sweet smile we all know and love. We're so glad you've had a good week! We're praying the Round 3 goes much smoother than the first 2 and that all this is behind you very soon. We feel just like Frog--all the comments that are posted to encourage you also encourage us. Take care and know we love you! Karl and Candi