Saturday, June 28, 2008

"Escape from Alcatraz"

Saturday June 28th

Has anyone seen Warren and Ladeva?
It appears they have flown the coop.

Mom and Dad were talking in the car (after finding out that Mom would start chemo again on Monday),that they might run away for the weekend since Mom was feeling so well. They wanted to try to get away before Mom had to go back into the hospital. They spoke of several places they might like to run away to. Many included meeting friends or going to see friends.

Carmen asked Dad on Friday, where he was wisking her off to, and in his typical ornery state; refused to tell her. I mean REPEATEDLY refused to tell her! Unfortunately, we didn't get in contact with Mom before they left, so he really did make a clean break of it with Mom.

Wherever they are, I hope they are having a blessed time, full of fun, precious memories, sunshine, good food, long naps and lots of cuddling.

So, if you try to call them, don't be worried if they don't answer. They aren't back in the hospital. Mom is still doing great and Dad is still.................Dad. :) Ha!

Love ya!
Kimberly and family


Anonymous said...

Good for Warren and Ladeva. I hope they are having a marvelous time on this beautiful weekend.

Anonymous said...

How happy is that! Whoo Hoo! I hope your time away is incredibly refreshing. We will continue to pray for you as we are far away these next few weeks on vacation. We will be flying out of Seattle on Monday morning... and as we look down on Seattle, we will be thinking of you starting this next round. And we will pray for a good start and a fast finish. We do love you and hope to get to see you sometimes this summer. Lily will make you smile, I promise! Thank you so much for your prayers for her. She is all better and we are thankful! There are some cute pic's on our blog if you need a reason to smile. :-) Love, Nichole