Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day Eve

This last couple days has been bitter sweet. Mama and Daddy are so happy to be home. The comforts of home and the peace and quiet are so refreshing after being at the hospital so long. Mom's biggest struggle has been nausea. It's a constant problem, with the level of nausea always changing. She has struggled to keep her fluids, food and medications down. Hydration is key. If she can't keep enough fluids down, the hospital wants her to come back. We would appreciate your prayers for her nausea to get under control. The shot that Mama has to give herself each day is to help build up her white blood cells. One of the side effects of the shot is it causes joint and bone pain. Her back has been giving her a lot of pain. Sometimes its hard for her to find relief. Last night she didn't sleep much because of her back pain. Tonight, I hope will be better. Daddy is so patient with Mama and continues to take good care of her. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. We are so thankful for our precious little Mama and we all look forward to a low key celebration with her.
Please pray she will be feeling good better tomorrow. Monday, Mama has an appointment for a check up with Dr. Conrad. We will keep you posted.
With love,


Mickey and Jeanne said...

Have a happy, blessed Mother's Day Ladeva. I am thanking God you will be in your own home surrounded by those whom you love the most. As I prayed for you this morning, God gave me a peace in my heart, because He is well pleased with how you are going thru this testing time. He holds you and Warren and your family in the palm of His hand, and your faith and love shine forth like jewels in a crown. Be still and know that He is God.... and have a wonderful day with your family. We love you........ mickey & jeanne

Anonymous said...

bleh dah suppa ah duh
Lily Gruber

She prayed for you last night from her crib. :-)

We love you and will continue to pray for comfort and peace.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day
I am praying that you are able to enjoy family, friends and all those that love and care for you today and everyday, coz we're there for you...and en familie (is that right?)
Love you