Sunday, May 4, 2008

Keep praying

Daddy met a man in the waiting room yesterday who's wife is here. She has the same Spindle Cell Sarcoma Cancer in one of her legs. She is on her 3rd round of chemo and the tumor is responding well to the chemotherapy and shrinking. It was so nice for Daddy to talk with him of common experiences. He has felt very encouraged. Their faith is in positive thinking. Please pray, God will use us to share His love and hope with them.
Mama didn't get much rest last night. With 7 to 8 IVs going at a time, she was up about every 45 minutes to use the bathroom. I stayed with Mama during the night so Daddy could hopefully get a full night's sleep in one of the waiting rooms. Several times through the night, he was woke up by loud individuals coming into the waiting room to visit. So unfortunately his sleep was broken also. He felt he did get a little more sleep than usual though. The chemo has Mama just feeling crummy. They have been doing a pretty good job holding the nausea down. The anti-nausea medicines make her very sleepy, so she has been napping today. Mom's hematocrit (% of red blood cells) was low, so they gave her 1 unit of blood this morning. She has no appetite, but is forcing herself to eat. She is very determined to do everything she can to remain strong as possible. She got up and made herself go for a walk down the halls. She's a tough cookie! As you can imagine, all the nurses love Mom. Even though she is feeling sick, she manages to give an occasional sweet smile and offers kind words to everyone trying to help her.
Thank you for all of the cards, emails and blog comments. They are so encouraging. The cards Mom has received cover her walls. The nurses all comment how evident it is that Mama is loved. They really have no idea how loved she is! Thank you again for your continued prayers.
With love, Carmen


Wanda B said...

Please know that you ARE loved, all of you. And we will do anything you need.
Love, Wanda

maryb said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, each and every day.
Much love to you and your family.
I have a friend who had the same kind of cancer as you. They just had a dinner to celebrate her 5 year mark as cancer free. Hang in there sweetie.
You are loved.
From Florida
Mary & Steve Lyons