Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two busy days.

Tuesday Mom and Dad had to travel back up to Seattle for a 5 minute appointment to get her shot. It was a long drive up and back but the shot is an immunity booster, so super important.

When she got home, her good friend Debbie Grose came to stay and visit with her in the afternoon. Debbie and Mom worked together at PCLI and Debbie is also a Co-Chair of Mom's benefit. They had a great afternoon together. Later, Mom's brother Dean came and then Aunt Elaine was able to come after work and they had dinner together and visited. They had a nice time and got to catch up with each other.

Today Maria came and brought the kids to see Mom. They made marshmellow popcorn balls and Mom had a great day watching them play and spending time with Maria.

Carmen was there with them tonight after work and they were having a nice relaxing evening.

A few things you could pray for would be her mouth sores which are back,her fatigue, and a newer symptom which is her fingernails are now peeling off and very tender and sore.

Thank you for your prayers.


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