Friday, July 11, 2008

A "Staycation"

As gas prices have gone higher and higher, an increasing number of people are choosing to not travel for vacations, but stay home and enjoy local "staycations". Today was such a day for Mom.

Mom's good friend Linda Day came to pick Mom up and take her for her blood draw. Afterward they went back to Linda's home in Chehalis and visited outside with Linda's Mother in law, Em. They ate lunch outside and then spent the afternoon visiting out on the patio swing. Mom had such a great time, she said it was just like being on vacation, only in Chehalis. :)

This evening Dad joined them and Linda and Jim had them stay for dinner. They have had a great evening visiting and catching up with their long time friends. (I said "long time", NOT "old friends) :)

The results from Mom's blood test came back and her red and white blood cells are extremely low. They want her to start an antibiotic to try and give her a line of defense against any bugs. So now is the time to be extra diligent in washing hands and staying away from anyone that is ill.

The suprising thing is that with counts like that, you would expect her to be absolutely exhausted. Amazingly she felt pretty good all day. She tells me she did not fall asleep at all while visiting. After a good lunch, a swing and a beautiful day, I'm not sure I could have gotten through the day without a nap!

She is still dealing with mouth sores, but is able to eat and swallow with relatively little pain compared to her last round.

I am so grateful and thankful for every day that I speak with her and her voice is void of pain and exhaustion. We thank the Lord for every good thing He is granting.
The tough times of the first 3 months of this are not absent from our minds, but they make the present days all the more sweet. We give Him all the credit.

Thank you for all your continued calls, visits, cards and postings.
Being sick day in and day out for months at a time, either home or hospital bound, can seem never ending. Your contact and love are a soothing salve to Mom and Dad, and we as a family thank you.

With love and thanksgiving,
Kimberly and family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ladeva, I've been gone a few days so it is wonderful to come home and see that things did not become as difficult for you this time with the sore throat and the sores in the mouth. PRAISE THE LORD!!!! We had an elderly lady in our church a few years back that regardless of the difficulties in her life her standard answer was 'Isn't God good?' And HE IS FOR SURE.
Love you much,
Ed and Ruby