Thursday, September 25, 2008

Update on Mom

Hi everyone,
There hasn't been a lot to report lately.
Mom has 5 days left with radiation!!!!

While she was charged and ready to go before she started, she still tires. Now, the radiation has kicked her on her tail. She is depleted and really feeling like getting up to get a drink can be a challenge in the afternoons.

For those of you who know Mom well, you know this is a tough trial for her to not perpetually be "productive" throughout the day.

We try to encourage her that her only "job" is to rest and let her body use the energy to fight the cancer. She may need a little encouragement in this area.
She is enjoying her days but tiring easily, has never been in her plan.

Thank you for checking the blog for updates. I know they have been thin recently, but no news can sometimes be good news. :)

God bless,
Kimberly and family

1 comment:

Mickey and Jeanne said...

Five more days of radiation.... awesome.... Moving forward in a job well done Deva.... God has used you so mightily during this time as well as your wonderful family and husband. I was so glad to find a report on here today. We will be praying and waiting for the final report, whether surgery will be necessary or if God has completed the miracle and your tumor has shrunk and disappeared. We love and admire so much......