Saturday, August 2, 2008

Home again home again jiggity jig.

OK, so Mom got home this afternoon after getting i.v. hydration and pain killers. Dad had stopped and gotten her some egg flower soup to see if she could eat any of it. She was able to get some down as well as a little propel flavored water. She's keeping her chin up and they are happy to have one more day of treatment and symptoms behind her. She is not pain free by any means, and even swallowing pain killers is a challenge when you can't swallow your own spit.(sorry Mom if that is too crude)

I hope she is able to sleep tonight and that they can both get some rest.
Thank you for praying for her.

I will update tomorrow after I have another report.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dahlin cuz,
Round 4 seemed to have gone faster than the others to me. Sorry you are still having sores in the mouth and on pain pills. Hopefully God will see to it you have more good days since you are home now. We think of you day and night. It is very hot here. Hopefully you guys are having more pleasant temperatures. I appreciated you e-mail Deva. Your grandkids sound wonderful and I know you treasure each memory you make with them. You are a blessed woman.
God bless and have a great Sunday.
Lovin' U,
Jerry and Va xoxoxoxoo