Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday trials

Last night Mama was able to get a little more rest. It was so nice to see her get some sleep. However the early morning and rest of the day brought trials. Pain management and nausea has continued to be an issue.

During doctors rounds, the doctors decided she would be released from the hospital today. Due to the pain still not under control, nausea and a few other issues, we were not in agreement that discharging her would be in her best interest. We were able to meet with our nurse and one of the doctors again to express our concerns and frustrations. Fortunately this time we were heard and they agreed to keep her here until things are better under control.

Mama has been very sick today and struggled with nausea especially after taking her medication. We are having a hard time finding the combination of food and meds that will keep her nausea down. She is taking nausea medication, but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick. Her sweet nurse this evening has taken the extra time with her to better understand her needs and has placed a patch behind her ear to additionally help her with the nausea.

Not being heard and feeling blown off has been very frustrating. But the Lord is now bringing us the special people we need and that will listen and respond. They expect that tomorrow Mama should be ready to be discharged, however it will depend on her pain management, nausea and oxygen level.

We would appreciate your continued prayers regarding those three issues, as well as peace for the rattled nerves.

I am attaching a link that has spoke to our family's heart. I hope it blesses you as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvIEJ_PmqJ8

With love,
Carmen and family

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