Friday, October 17, 2008

A message from Mom

For those of you faithfully checking the blog and praying for me, I thank you so much.

Today has been my best day for a long time. My leg is healing now from the radiation, and I was pretty comfortable today! After the chemo regiments, I looked forward to radiation, then when my leg got so sore from that, I began to think that it will sure be nice to get the surgery over and get the tumor out finally!

My young friend, Kara Brown came today and asked if I wanted to go to town. I needed to run some errands and get groceries. We went to Walmart so I could get some things from the pharmacy also and make one stop. Kara has been through some of the same treatments that I have had also for the past year or more, so she is very understanding and caring. Anyway, she was such a blessing to me. God knew that I could use some help today, and while I could have asked someone, she just came. She had also rented a movie for us to watch.

The movie was "End Of The Spear." It is an older movie, and it is also a true story. When my brother Dean and wife, Elaine went to Bolivia to be missionaries, it wasn't long after that the 5 missionaries were killed in Ecuador. It's sad, and yet, God used the bad for good. I do remembering being so worried that Dean and Elaine might get killed. I remember hearing it on TV, radio and in the news paper. Anyway, It has an amazing ending.

With my having cancer, even though there has been a lot of things that I would call bad, I can see so much good that is coming from this. I have gained some new friends and have had a closer relationship with my old friends and family. All of you who check my blog, are part of the blessings, because you care enough to want to know how I am! Thank you, and I thank God for you.
My Love,


Anonymous said...

Hey, my Dahlin Deva,
November 6th will be here before you know. I'm glad you are feeling better after that terrible ol' radiation treatment. Anyway, You are on our minds all the time and our loves goes out to you.
Brighter days are coming hun! Fall is in the air and you will soon be rid of that nasty old tumor. At least you must be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel now. God is good and apparently knew just the treatments you needed.
Glad you and your friend got out today and WallMarted. That will boost anybody's spririts. Seems like we hardly ever leave the premisis any more. We did however go to Va's TPSA (Texas Polio Survivior's Assn.) group meeting yesterday and that was good for us. We have so many wonderful friends in that assn. The group is getting smaller though as so many polio victims have either passed on or are so old like us that they just can't get there any more. Anyway, we had fun and Walt always cooks a beautiful meat. It was a brisket yesterday and we all brought a nice side dish. He offers up his home to us. Walt lost his wife 2 1/2 years ago and we got to meet Jane, his old friend to the family who knew Sue (Walt's wife) land they are dating. That 's the way Walt introduced her to us. We're happy for him. Walt is about 80 and has cared for Sue's horses on the property in Friendswood. She had a baby mineature horse the year she left us. I stop by her gravc and have a chat with her ever now and then.
Well, are your grands ready to scare the pants off people this Halloween? Folks are already fixing up their yards like Christmas, Thanksgiving and every other occasion that come about. Some are cute and elaborate. The man two houses down owns a bar-b-que store and always feels he needs to do something for the community so he has a haunted house and eerie music playing til about midnight on the 31st. Cute.
We love you honey and just wanted to drop a line and say we love you and are praying for you all.
Jerry xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Cousin Deva--
We love you, too and we're so happy that you're feeling better. It's still warm in Dallas--82 or so today--and we're still using the A/C 'round the clock. It's supposed to get cooler by the middle of the week and we're thankful for that. We can only imagine how beautiful your weather must be in Washington! We just wanted you to know we were thinking about you; we're still praying for you and your upcoming surgery. We love you all so much and hope to see you soon.
Karl and Candi

Anonymous said...

Ladeva, so glad the leg is feeling better and you are able to get out and about. Praise the Lord for all His blessings.
We love you much!!
Ed and Ruby