Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Revelation day.

Carmen just called from the road. She, Dad and Mom are just leaving Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.
Mom got the drainage tube taken out of her leg today and was administered an ultra sound test due to some recent swelling. They wanted to rule out a blood clot and fortunately, none was found.
The pathology report was the cleanest the Dr. has seen post chemo and radiation and he was very pleased, however he and the oncologist have decided that for the best possible long term outcome and for future insurance, that it is in Mom's best interest to undergo two additional rounds of chemotherapy. This was not what we were hoping would happen, but Mom is trying to think positive about it and just put one foot in front of the other.
She will return on December 2nd to meet with the oncologist and orthopedic surgeon's and find out what the schedule will consist of.
Dad's birthday is on the 10th of December, so if the Dr.'s will allow the delay,we are hoping for a December 11th start date. Whatever is in Mom's best interest however, will be the determing factor for choosing the start dates, and they will be of the Dr.'s choosing.
We thank you for praying for Mom. The Dr.'s felt that she had responded so well in the last two rounds that this is the route best for Mom. This will make for a tough Christmas season, so we would ask you to pray for an extra measure of God's grace at this time for her and Dad both.

Will keep you posted as we get additional information.,

With much love,
Kimberly and family


Mickey and Jeanne said...

No sarcoma cells means just that but Doctor's always want to go the extra mile - they have seen God's power all the way thru this ordeal, but God evidently isn't thru proving Himself to them yet.... Saying that, I just want you to know that we will continue holding you up in prayer. We love you so much, and wish you didn't have to go thru more treatments - but it thrills me to realize how many people have witnessed your personal relationships and only God knows how many people came to Him because of your faithfulness in a job WELL DONE............ j&m

Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO AUNTIE!!! I am so glad to see this blog, and so thrilled that things are going so well. We definitely have a whole lot to be thankful for this year! You can do the rest with both hands tied behind your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you! Thinking about you always.