Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday August 12, 2011

A message from Mom:
Mom is dictating some of this for me as she felt like she could add some input into her blog today. ( some of the time she is napping so I will ad lib..... :)
Mom and dad were happy to see Kale come (Carmen's son and their grandson) this morning to pick up Carmen and take her home for a few days. They got to visit for a bit before he had to leave to take sis home and work this afternoon.
I got here (Kimberly) late morning and when I walked in mom was very discouraged. She has had a rough couple of days and you could see it in her countenance.
She was nauseous, sick and hurting. She was thinking the only anti nausea medicine she isn't allergic to was making her jittery and she was frustrated with her information about her diet intake in the last several days. Their morning nurse sought out some information about post op diets after abdominal surgery which was really informative. After reading through it mom felt like she had been doing everything "wrong" in relation to her diet and that it had been a set back that had caused so much more stress and pain than necessary.
She hadn't been started on iv fluids and her iv that had been so carefully placed had been taken out Wednesday and for some reason had never been ordered.
When we spent the majority of mom's stay here in '08 / '09 we were mainly on the 6th floor. Mom and dad had taken a walk yesterday and they ran into a staff member form 6th floor. Before long the news had spread that she was back and she was getting visits from previous nurses and housekeepers.
Then this afternoon her nurse came in and said that we were being moved due to construction. We landed on the 6th floor. That was happy! Today she had a visit from one of her previous nurses that had the day off and came by just to see mom. Wow, she is loved.
Next the nutritionist came by and gave us some good information. More encouragement. Shortly after, Dr. Park showed up. He reassured mom that he is not worried about her. He knows that she feels horrible, but when you break down all the things he has to follow, he has no real concerns. He says this is a common recovery for such a tough, very invasive abdominal surgery and she should try not to be discouraged. There is no rule book for recovery and she did not do anything "wrong" but that she will progress as her body dictates. He was surprised that she 1.) did not have an iv and 2.) was not getting the hydration he had ordered yesterday. We again stressed what a terribly hard poke she is and that she gets concerned with who is going to place it. With that, he walked out of the room, got supplies, took off his jacket and said he would just do it himself. He joked with mom and asked her why she forgot to bring her veins with her when she came in, but in the end, he poked her one time and it was in. Another blessing....... Within 30 minutes she had iv hydration on board. She got an anti nausea patch, pain meds and withing an hour was feeling better.
As I type this, Troy is on his way up. I know mom and dad both are looking forward to seeing him. He has a way of making us all laugh and smile. He is good medicine to the soul as they say. ( "they" say that, not me, just for the record Troy :)
Dad has perked up a bit since mom has perked up. He has on these shoes that squeak really loudly on the floor in her room. I started razzin him about them and told him he should wear his slippers. To this he promptly decided he had to walk all over the room. He had quite a swagger too as he twisted and turned as he walked. He made mom laugh and of course the little bit of encouragement just fueled the fire for him to be even more obnoxious. Ya, I know, BIG surprise. :)
Tonight mom is looking better and I believe is more hopeful and positive about the next several days. Dr. Park does not feel they will need to spend a week at Cancer Care housing, but that by the time she is finally discharged she will be going straight home.
Carmen has read all the comments posted on the blog to mom and dad daily. They love hearing them and feel like they are little short visits from you all. Please keep them coming. They put a smile on their faces.
With much love and gratitude,
Kimberly and family


Stefani said...

Positive thoughts and prayers are coming from Puyallup to the grandma of two of the best kids I know, the mother-in-law of my favorite teaching partner and friend, and the mother of the truest definition of friend and wonderful person. The more I hear/read about you the more I am amazed at your strength and grace ... my prayers for less pain, more in (food/drink), and less out (out the wrong way)!
Much love,
Stefani Fersch

Anonymous said...

Well, here I go again, this will be my third try at this message writing...wish me good luck, please! Sounds like a better more optimist day, and I am so thankful for that blessing. You know how much I love you, Warren and family and pray for a quick recovery, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! You are "special" Ladeva, and your star shines brightly to so many people!
Your old Naked Mole Rat Buddy,
Charlotte (inside joke)

Anonymous said...

Sweet Family; as I sit here collecting monies at the Selah/Naches Relay For Life, I read your blog and remember exactly WHY we relay! I continue to pray for your recovery and easier days ahead for you. Maybe a change of scenery for you housing away from the hospital would be a great treat I am certain. Stay strong! Hugs and smiles to each of you family! Love you long time,

Anonymous said...

Diva, Hi it's yur painting buddy Linda. I am so full of praise for the Lord! Yesterday when I heard your voice I new things were difficult. I am soooooooo happy that there is a change for the positive as your progress goes forward. I Loooooove you and Jo and Jeannie and I can hardly wait to paint you......oops with you! he he I know sometimes it is one and the same. The Lord loves your and so do we all! Stay strong......that was a silly thing to say! Love you Diva! Hi Warren!!!!!! Linda H

Anonymous said...


Kim, it's Mariah, I just wanted your family to know I have been praying nonstop for Ladeva's recovery!! Having had several major abdominal surgeries I know what a struggle it can be when recovering and was praying for her spirit to be recieving all the care it needs for healing along with her body!! (nearly had a cow when I read she was not on IV fluids so thank goodness I kept reading before lunging for my phone to locate and chew out a few staff members lol). I am so glad that she has been able to laugh and have her mind set at ease with the answers she needed!! Also so thankful that they have hopefully found a good path for her nausea medication and that she is more comfortable!!
The squeaky shoes made me laugh but if you want to remedy his squeaky swagger just glue felt to them while he is sleeping! Hehe ;-).
Love you and your family so so much!!!
Continued prayers and lots of hugs!