Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday, Aug. 7th

You've heard the saying, "Two steps forward. One step back." Well that was our day. But praise the Lord, in the end we have moved forward!
Mama's nausea would not go away, so the pain control has been changed. Her epidural was a mix of two different medications. One is like a Novocain which numbs the abdomen and was paired with another pain medication. The doctors decided to remove the pain med from the epidural and give her another form of medication by an IV pump. It worked! The nausea is gone. Thank you Lord! She has been so sick. I believe we found another allergy. It is so good to see her feeling better. Today is her first day eating more than a couple spoons of jello or broth. Tonight she actually ate a bowl of soup and drank some juice for dinner. This is huge!! She was so glad to eat and enjoy it.
With this change of medication, she no longer has an automatic pump for her pain medication. She now pumps it manually. The main side effects are quite a bit of drowsiness and the continued problem with her "busy dreams" which are frustrating to her. She was feeling so good that she felt she didn't need to pump her IV pump for a while. She didn't want to be sleepy or make the busy dreams any worse. At one point earlier this evening, she got behind in her pain control and it took a while to get everything back under control. So our job is to convince her to pump it when she starts to feel discomfort. Key word....."convince".
No longer fighting nausea has made walking and getting up to sit in a chair so much easier. Mama eating and drinking again makes everyone happy. It's just really important that she's able to keep her pain under control so they can eventually transition her to controlling it by oral medications and going home soon.
Mama is resting so much better tonight. Overall, we are feeling really encouraged. We are praying that her healing stomach does well with the introduction of food and there are no complications. Thank you for keeping her in your prayers as well. God bless you.
With love,
Carmen & family


Anonymous said...

"2 steps forward & 1 step back"
I use that phrase quite often when I golf, but I always consider it as positive distance. I would like to encourage you to look at this week as "positive" distance, consistently striving towards the goal. Thank you for being you. I wouldn't want you any other way.
Love you Lots,

Anonymous said...

So great to hear that the pain, which is what we have been praying for, is a bit better. Lily announced to our life group (after we had prayed for you) that she has been praying for you every night. So true. So sweet. We love you Dahlin family! Hope to hear more good reports and we will continue to pray for peace, comfort, healing and wisdom. Love, The Gruber family

Anonymous said...

Hi Ladeva,

Greetings from Southern California. You have been, and continue to be, in my thoughts and prayers. The setbacks are but minor roadblocks on a road that leads towards greener pastures. I am always glad to read about your good days, and I can only hope that there are nothing but good days ahead. Fight on!

Much love,
Houston Brooks Laney

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you, Deva and family. So glad to hear your nauseau problem is finally conquered!!!! Now you can have some nourishment and get on the mend!!! We are still thinking about you and talking about you and are so glad that you are this far along in your recovery. Sure wish we could be up there and spend time with everybody. We would have to be careful with some of our "silliness" so we wouldn't laugh too hard and hurt your tummy!!! You know how silly we can get when we are together!!! (That is a good thing but not quite yet.) LOL Prayers and love are being sent your way. We love you dearly.

Luv ya lotz, Ginny and Jerry