Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Round 5 of chemo.

Tuesday, December 30, 2:15 PM

I just spoke with Carmen who is with Mom and Dad at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.
Mom had an appointment there first to access her port, draw blood for lab tests prior to chemo, and to see her Oncologist.

The port access was not as swift as last time and there was some confusion over the length of needle being used, but in the end they were both accessed, though not pain free. :(

Up to the exam room they went and were met by the Dr. There they found out that Mom's potassium levels were too low again. This is a puzzling issue for them as Mom is not on any medication that would make her potassium low. They are concerned that there might be some kidney damage due to the strong chemo meds used. In addition, Mom's leg at the surgical site, is still a little warm so they have decided to continue her regimen of antibiotics while she is in the hospital.

The ray of sunshine she received is that since they are concerned about her kidneys, they have decided to not use one of the two chemo drugs on her this round until they are certain it is not causing irrepairable damage. This will reduce her stay from a 5day stay to a 3 day stay, so she may be home this weekend. They are reducing it again by just 5%, but we do hope it will be enough to eliminate the mucusitis- mouth and throat sores that have plagued her each time previously.

While she is in the hospital they will send in some renal specialists to better assess her kidneys for any permanent damage. This is an area we would appreciate your prayers.

I know it is always hard to go back to the hospital knowing what she is facing, but she, as usual, is keeping a stiff upper lip and a smile on her little sweet face.
(so Carmen tells me:)

They will ring in the new year at UWMC, but we are hopeful that 2009 will continue to be full of God's blessings, love and protection.

May God bless you all as well in 2009.

Thank you for reading this blog and praying for our Mom and Dad.
We appreciate you all.

Kimberly and family

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Long overdue update

I realize it has been quite some time since we have updated the blog. I know many of you check regularly to see how Mama is doing. I'm sorry it has been so long. Mama is doing pretty well. Her healing from the surgery is going a lot slower than she would like, but we were told it would be slower due to her chemo and radiation treatments. Leg swelling and stiffness is one of the main things she battles with. Physical therapy has been working with her to reduce the swelling and improve her circulation. We are hoping the stiffness will get better as the swelling gets better. She has some occasional nerve pain, but is trying to control it with medication.

Mama had an appointment on the 16th to have her port flushed and to have blood draws. Due to so many port problems and pain associated with accessing it, she was really dreading the appointment. Praise God! The appointment went well. There were no problems accessing the port this time and there was minimal pain. Her leg was starting to get infected at the incision site, so they started her back on antibiotics. Hopefully that will be cleared up before she has to return for chemo. She goes back on the 30th for her 5th round of chemo. We will first be taking her to Seattle Cancer Care to have her port accessed and to meet with doctors before being admitted into UW Medical Center. This time we will be requesting the same young gal to access her port that took care of her on the 16th.

We are very thankful that Mama is able to be home for Christmas and feeling relatively well. She is of course not looking forward to starting chemo on the 30th, being sick and losing her hair all over again, but she is thankful for the time she has been given. She is a women of great faith and love for the Lord. I've heard her tell the Lord she didn't want to go through this again, but if it was part of His will for her to do chemo again, she is willing to do it for Him. She has asked God to use it for His glory. I feel so blessed that she is my mom.

When I think about the fact that Sarcoma cancer does not always respond to chemo, I am reminded how blessed we are that Mama's treatment has been so successful. I don't seem to run out to tears of thankfulness to God. God's hand has truly been upon her. I realize that God's healing is not always on this earth, so I am forever grateful to God for her healing and continued presence in my life.

This year has been a rough year on so many levels. God promises to never leave us or forsake us. Even in the midst of the turmoil and pain, He has been and continues to be near. God has used many of you to show our family His love and comfort. Thank you.

Since this blog will probably not be updated until Mama goes back on the 30th, I would like to wish all our family and friends a Merry Christmas. We are so thankful for each of you and for the many prayers on our behalf. May God pour out His blessings upon you this Christmas and always.

With love,
Carmen and family

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A plan of attack!

Yesterday was the day we met with Mom's entourage of Dr.'s at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.

The outcome was much as we expected with a few new items.

Her leg is healing where the tumor was removed, but her surgeon would like a little more time between the surgery and the next round of chemo. He also was a bit concerned that her knee was getting a little stiff from the swelling and constant elevation without much movement.
He has ordered a CPM machine which is what you use after a knee replacement is done. You set your leg in it and it slowly moves and bends the leg and knee for you continually. She will use this for the next two weeks and try to loosen the knee a bit.

She goes back in two weeks to see them again and have her port accessed and flushed.

She will then go back on December 30th after she has enjoyed Christmas to start round 5 of her chemotherapy treatment. She will be in for the 5-6 days as before and after she is released the first week of January, will be back on the 21 day cycle before returning for round 6.

The other good news is that they have decided to cut back on one of the chemo drugs a bit more this time in hopes of minimizing the mucusitis that she has had after each round previously. This is a big praise as the mucusitis always lands her in the hospital for an additional 3 - 6 days. She gets horrible sores in her mouth and down her throat and is unable to even swallow her own saliva.

All in all, it looks like she should be done by the first week of February.

Mom is really hoping to take a trip to see some of her faithful family fans in February, but it may need to be pushed back a bit so she feels well enough to travel.

That is the plan as of now. She is still experiencing some pain from the nerve that was severed during surgery and is trying to find the right combination of meds to help the pain.

For now, she is home and enjoying her Christmas tree, decorations, friends and family.

We thank you for your prayers and love of her and Dad. We probably won't have anything new to post until after her visit in two weeks.

With love,
Kimberly and family

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Revelation day.

Carmen just called from the road. She, Dad and Mom are just leaving Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.
Mom got the drainage tube taken out of her leg today and was administered an ultra sound test due to some recent swelling. They wanted to rule out a blood clot and fortunately, none was found.
The pathology report was the cleanest the Dr. has seen post chemo and radiation and he was very pleased, however he and the oncologist have decided that for the best possible long term outcome and for future insurance, that it is in Mom's best interest to undergo two additional rounds of chemotherapy. This was not what we were hoping would happen, but Mom is trying to think positive about it and just put one foot in front of the other.
She will return on December 2nd to meet with the oncologist and orthopedic surgeon's and find out what the schedule will consist of.
Dad's birthday is on the 10th of December, so if the Dr.'s will allow the delay,we are hoping for a December 11th start date. Whatever is in Mom's best interest however, will be the determing factor for choosing the start dates, and they will be of the Dr.'s choosing.
We thank you for praying for Mom. The Dr.'s felt that she had responded so well in the last two rounds that this is the route best for Mom. This will make for a tough Christmas season, so we would ask you to pray for an extra measure of God's grace at this time for her and Dad both.

Will keep you posted as we get additional information.,

With much love,
Kimberly and family

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2 Chronicles 20 :21b

"Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever." 2 Chronicles 20:21b

Do you ever have days like that when you just don't have words, but your heart is bubbling over in gratitude? I have. I am.

To say that the last year has been hard is an understatement. Watching someone you love so much, go through such pain is agonizing.

Watching them come through it and see such strength and dignity is inspiring.
Knowing that it is because of God's unending love for Mom is just too much to try to articulate.

His mercy does not always mean "rescue" in the sense we want it to. Sometimes it takes on other forms such as friends, medicine, love, sacrafice, a card, a call, an encouraging talk, a benefit, cleaning a house, bringing dinner, lunch, taking some one to the Dr., administering medication, sitting with someone while they sleep, posting a message on the blog, taking their spouse to coffee to talk,crying with them, holding them, praying for them and so much more in the midst of the trial ahead of them.

So many of you have been the merciful hands and feet of Christ right here in Chehalis WA.

We thank you and on this dreary day I want to add some sunshine and a ray of hope and a burst of praise to the one that made Mom.

Mom spoke with the radiologist and was told that no sarcoma cancer cells were found in the biopsied tumor removed from Mom's leg. No cancer cells. None.

While she still has to have the drain tube removed on Friday, and she meets the Orthopeidic surgeon on Tuesday, we feel encouraged that it just might be the end of chemotherapy and other treatment.

So today, after a few days of tears of joy and gratitude:
"Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever."

With a grateful heart to all of you who love Mom and Dad,
Kimberly and family

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A good day!

Well. I called Carmen and got a thorough update, but won't put every detail here, just as much as I can.

The staff was super, and got a cot and the pull out bed in Mom's room so Carmen did not have to sleep in the waiting room last night. She and Dad stayed righ there with her.
She did really well and slept in two hour blocks. They were keeping her iv drips going and so she was up throughout the night. Carmen said with each time out of bed, she could see Mom getting stronger. She got a blood transfusion yesterday, so I am sure that helped her as well.

Dr. Conrad was in this morning. He told her after the surgery on Thursday that the surgery was really a tough one and that "You owe me a coke!" He came in during rounds today and she handed him a coke. He thanked her and said he just may have it for breakfast. :)

She is doing really well and the iv pole is no longer connected to her. She is taking all meds by mouth now. Dr. Conrad wants to keep her until Wednesday or Thursday because there is such a big hole in her leg and it is still draining a lot. He wants to keep a close eye on her and monitor her for infection, so we would appreciate your prayers of protection in that area.

She is still having physical therapy a couple times a day in addition to getting up a lot, so she is moving around. This is night and day different from her biopsy, and eventual "wash out".
While she still has pain, burning behind her knee and nerve spasms that put her over the edge, she is balancing it with meds and ice. With the other two procedures, she was still in horrible pain just getting to the edge of the bed. We are so grateful to see this difference for her.

Troy, Maria, Sadie and Nate are up visiting today. I could hear the kiddos in the background and know that Mom is in her "happy place". There is nothing like her grandkids to give her joy.

Please continue to pray for her to feel well as she continues to meet people. She definately has a gift of encouragement to share and has been such an encouragement to people here in her love for the Lord.

(You are an encouragemnt to me as well Mom. What an example you are to your kids. We love you.)

So, 4 -5 more days, but she is doing well and gaining strength every day.

Love to you all and thank you again for your posts to her and calls. They make her day.

Kimberly and family

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Out of recovery.

Ok, so Mom is in her room and out of recovery.
She got into her room about 6:00 PM. She was hurting from being moved around from transfer table to bed. We are back on the 6th floor where they all love Mom.

They had originally put Mom in a room at the end of a hall. There is a nursing assistant that we have had almost every time we come in. Her name is Amminy. The first day we met her she told us she is East Indian and does NOT like her name. Mom asked her what name she would like instead and she answered "Shirley". So, we have called her Shirley since April. So, Shirley comes into Mom's room while she is still in recovery and says " I have a BETTER room for your Mom. She loves the view rooms and I have saved the best one for her". We packed her belongings down to the new room and got her stuff all put away. While she was helping us unload, she said " You know, every nurse on this floor wants to take care of your Mom. We all love her here. They have been calling down to recovery checking on her all afternoon."
Then, Carmen goes out to tell our nurse something and 2-3 nurses stopped her in the hall to tell Carmen how excited they were Mom was here. They were even doing the "happy dance"! How awesome is that?

You cannot imagine how wonderful it was in that moment to know that she has touched so many people over the last 6 months up here at the hospital. The nurses have stopped in to say hello and show pictures of their kids to her. They are posturing to get her as a patient. She touches people in a way that you can't imagine unless you witness it for yourself. They are letting us know what shift they are working on which day so they can have her. It is too cute!

So right now, 8:00 PM, she is dozing off and her pain level is at a 2 out of 10 (10 being the worst pain) It has been an excruciatingly long day and she only slept an hour last night so I am hoping she will be able to sleep here and there.

Thank you for your prayers of support and love.
We are so thankful to the Lord tonight. The outcome was as good as we could have hoped for and God really directed Dr. Conrad's hands as well as the physiology of her recovery.

We give Him all the praise for her outcome. God is good all the time.

With a happy heart,
Kimberly and family

That tumor is OUTTA THERE.........

Hi everyone,
We are writing from the hospital this afternoon.
It's about 3:30 and Mom is still in recovery.

She arrived at 5:00 AM with Dad and Carmen. I didn't get here until a little after 6:00 and she was in pre op so I could not see her. Her scheduled surgery time was 7:20 AM. The surgery was supposed to be around 2 hours. At about 11:30 a Dr. that assisted in Mom's surgery came out to talk to us.

He said that the surgery had gone well and that they had gotten the tumor out entirely. They had been quite concerned about the artery that was attached and he said they were able to "peel it away from the artery". He said it was a complicated and long surgery, but that the artery was intact, there was not a lot of bleeding and no blood transfusion was needed. He also said that there was a nerve that ran down her leg to her foot that the tumor had grown around. The nerve was running through the center of the tumor. They did have to sever it during surgery, but feel that it will just cause loss of feeling, numbness, tingling etc and not hamper any of her mobility. This nerve has been the culprit of a lot of pain, and numbness throughout the last year, so having it severed may not cause much more irritation than it does now. We were told that she was in recovery so we decided to go get something to eat before she came up to the room.

We were just about to the cafeteria, when we ran right into Dr. Conrad, her surgeon. He stopped to tell us a few more details about the surgery. He said that it was really a difficult surgery. He also said that she did really well and was pleased with the outcome. He then went on to say that he did not believe he had had another patient who had been given as much chemotherapy as Mom had been given pre operatively, but that he believed it just may have "cured her"! (his words)

The pathology report won't be back for 7-10 days, so we won't know 100% until then if she will need additional chemotherapy or not. The way Dr. Conrad spoke though, gave us hope that she may be done with chemotherapy.

She was supposed to be up in the next hour or so and we came to her room. After waiting several more hours, we have been told that she is still in recovery because her respiratory rate is low. It is at an 8, and they look for 12-20 to be in the normal range. She usually does this after surgery, when she is on pain medication. They were going to monitor her until that gets leveled out. Dad is down in the waiting room on that floor now after a very brief visit with her.

The surgeon's will be in to see her Saturday morning so Mom should be feeling well enough to ask any questions she may have.

Until then, we thank you for your prayers and ask that you continue praying for her as they try to regulate her pain level. Dad says she is alert but in pain and pretty uncomfortable. They have backed her off of pain meds due to her slow respiratory rate. This is a hard dance to watch. Keep her breathing at a level rate, yet she is in pain, or keep her out of pain, but have her respiration drop.

Thank you in advance for your prayer and concern.

Kimberly and family

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Details of tomorrow's surgery.

Mom and Dad went to Seattle on Monday and Mom had all her scans done for pre-op. She then had appointments on Tuesday with her Orthopedic surgeon that will be removing the tumor and followed that up with blood work.

She has to be at the hospital at 6:00 AM tomorrow (Thursday)and is scheduled for a surgery time of 7:30. They have told her she will be there 5-7 days.

The Scans done Monday show that the tumor has separated from the bone, which is good news, but is still touching, connected, or intertwined with an artery. (I am unclear on the specific verbiage so I am trying to relate it as accurately as possible.)

This will make it a bit more complicated than we would have liked, but we have confidence that all will go well. They will also be removing skin on her leg that is dead from the radiation and will not recover, so we are not sure how that will end up, if it will add to discomfort, or not affect her in the least.

Mom had some concerns about infection post op, since she got infected after the biopsy. One of the Dr.'s explained that the tumor (pre chemo and radiation) was filled with old blood and fluid and that when the biopsy was done there was a lot of bleeding.(We had been told this right after the biopsy so it was no surprise)She went on to say that when this happens, the blood leaks into the surrounding tissue. While they do the best they can to remove it,anything left behind can cause infection. Since the tumor has shrunk and is now dark and dead looking, they do not feel that is going to be the same level of risk as before. There is the risk of the artery involvement,so we do want to ask you to pray for skill and precision in Dr. Conrad's hands. Please continue to pray for peace for Mom as she will have her port accessed again and is not scared, but apprehensive about another surgery. I would like to ask you to remember Dad as well. Hospitals still have an effect on him that is unnerving and he will be anxious during surgery. Please pray for his peace of mind and that Carmen and I will be able to be a comfort and calming to him.

This time Carmen will be taking the lion's share of staying up at UWMC, so I would ask for prayer for her that she might get rest in a chaotic environment. Only one person stays in the room and the other sleeps in the waiting room. A hospital never sleeps. :)

We appreciate your prayers so much and will update the blog after surgery to let you know how she does.

We love you.
Kimberly and family.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A new surgery date!

Hi everyone,
Mom got a call today from the surgical staff and they are moving her surgery date up to next week the 30th of October. He surgeon is going to be out of town so they are rearranging his schedule.

Now, they want her up there on Monday for scans, and Tuesday to meet with Dr.Conrad, with surgery on Thursday. They have decided to just stay up there Monday night and not do the three trips up and back before the surgery. Hopefully this will make it a little easier on them both before the 5 day post op stay.

As always, we would covet your prayers as she goes into another unpleasant phase of this treatment. We should know after the surgery if she will be needing two additional rounds of chemotherapy.

Mom is doing well and getting along fairly well as her leg feels better and the skin is not so hyper sensitive anymore. She still needs to take it easy though and not be up walking around as it causes her leg to swell from upper thigh to ankle and foot.

This last couple weeks have been a treat not having to go to daily radiation, but the trick was in getting her in sooner than she was prepared for. Fortunately, she will have an extra week to heal before the holidays.

We continue to thank you and appreciate your love and support for Mom. She is truly an encouragement to me and so many others as she has such a positive attitude and heart of gratitude to the Lord and each of you.

With love,
Kimberly and family

Friday, October 17, 2008

A message from Mom

For those of you faithfully checking the blog and praying for me, I thank you so much.

Today has been my best day for a long time. My leg is healing now from the radiation, and I was pretty comfortable today! After the chemo regiments, I looked forward to radiation, then when my leg got so sore from that, I began to think that it will sure be nice to get the surgery over and get the tumor out finally!

My young friend, Kara Brown came today and asked if I wanted to go to town. I needed to run some errands and get groceries. We went to Walmart so I could get some things from the pharmacy also and make one stop. Kara has been through some of the same treatments that I have had also for the past year or more, so she is very understanding and caring. Anyway, she was such a blessing to me. God knew that I could use some help today, and while I could have asked someone, she just came. She had also rented a movie for us to watch.

The movie was "End Of The Spear." It is an older movie, and it is also a true story. When my brother Dean and wife, Elaine went to Bolivia to be missionaries, it wasn't long after that the 5 missionaries were killed in Ecuador. It's sad, and yet, God used the bad for good. I do remembering being so worried that Dean and Elaine might get killed. I remember hearing it on TV, radio and in the news paper. Anyway, It has an amazing ending.

With my having cancer, even though there has been a lot of things that I would call bad, I can see so much good that is coming from this. I have gained some new friends and have had a closer relationship with my old friends and family. All of you who check my blog, are part of the blessings, because you care enough to want to know how I am! Thank you, and I thank God for you.
My Love,

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Radiating rest.

Hi everyone,
Well, the rumors are true.
Mom is done with radiation as of last Thursday

Mom,Dad,Carmen and I, all went to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance yesterday (Tuesday) to see Dr. Conrad (Mom's orthopedic surgeon that will be removing the tumor) and Dr.Kelly (her radiation Dr. at SCCA). Her leg is really angry and is looking like someone poured a kettle full of boiling water over and around the top and backside of her thigh. The pain has intensified and walking is not fun as it touches and rubs against clothing and is so very tender. Dr.Kelly felt like the treatment went well and was pleased with the progress, yet not so pleased with Mom. SOMEHOW,(and I'm not saying exactly how it got out)it was communicated that Mom was not simply lying around "eating chocolates and watching movies" as Dr. Kelly had ordered her to do. Mom feels that when she isn't absolutely miserable, that her days need to be filled with her being "productive". Those of you who know her well, can attest to this. Dad, sat grinning and thanking the Dr. for the scolding Mom so deservedly received.

So, this is the Dr.'s orders to anyone who may go see Mom, or hear from Mom.
(because let's face it, she won't tell you these things)Sorry Mom, but you know I'm telling the truth.

Her job is to rest and keep her leg up and unclothed. Her leg is to be getting air and resting. She wants her to be eating chocolate and watching movies, and napping. Period. (I REALLY LIKED THIS DR.)

She reminded Mom that she actually has cancer and has been through a huge ordeal just thus far. She reminded her that radiation, let alone chemo, will take it out of her completely. She reminded her that she only has a month before she has another surgery coming up and that she will need every ounce of energy she has to heal from that. She reminded Mom that there is also the possibility that she will need two more rounds of chemo after the surgery and she needs to let her body spend it's energy on rebuilding her stamina.

I know it's hard for Mom to do, but if we don't stay on top of her she will try to conquer the world. They stopped on the way home and got some good movies and they stopped and picked up some RX'd chocolates as well. :) You know, Dr.'s orders and all.

Her surgery is scheduled for Thursday November the 6th in Seattle at UWMC.
She will have her pre op visit on Tuesday the 4th for scans and blood work etc.

We thank you all for your love and prayers for her. The Dr. that administered the radiation said the pain would be the worst for the next 7 -10 days. She got some additional pain killers so hopefully she will be more comfortable shortly.

Thank you for checking the blog so faithfully.
There may not be a lot to update over the next month, but we will try our best to get you news when it occurs. Feel free to call her as she's just going to be sitting at home healing. Right Mom?!

God bless~
Kimberly and family

Monday, September 29, 2008

Last week to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom has three more treatments left and will have a full month off before the surgery.
This will be the longest string of days without treatment she has had since April 15th! Yeah!! Her leg is hurting and she is most uncomfortable with jeans or pants on. She is keeping it bandaged and away from her clothing to make it so the burned area does not rub against anything and get irritated.

Mom has asked me to post a prayer request for her sister Edna. She has had decreased lung capacity, and her muscles are not responding so she is needing some help to move as she has lost the use of her arms and legs. Her enzyme level is way off and they are waiting for results from a muscle biopsy test to determine the cause.
She is on strong doses of prednisone and today seems encouraged that she was able to stand for a little while.
We would appreciate your prayers for her recovery,comfort, and wisdom for the Dr.'s as well.

We are grateful for the blog to communicate with you all.

With love,
Kimberly and family

Friday, September 26, 2008

Marathon Maria!

Hi everyone,
I am proud to tell you that after two laps around the block I have decided that marathon's can't be THAT hard so I am going to join Maria when she runs her first marathon on October 5th in Portland Ore.

Ok, so , Brian just told me that a marathon is 26.2 miles, not laps, so she's on her own.

Maria, is Troy's beautiful wife and Ladeva's one and only daughter in law.
She is excited to be able to raise some money for Mom's benefit through her labor of love and we thank her.

Below is a message form Maria. You may need to copy and paste the website into your address bar to connect to the link as I am not having luck making it connect from the blog. If you would like to learn more about the event go to that website for additional information.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Kimberly and family

Hi Friends & Family,

I am running a marathon in hopes of raising money for this very important cause. I am asking you to help by making a contribution.

My deepest thanks to everyone that has already donated to Ladeva. If you were unable to donate and would like an opportunity to do so, please tell your friends and family that may want an opportunity to bless her!

Please use this link to access my donation website - http://www.active.com/donate/ladevadahlin

Your donation can be made online quickly & securely. You will receive email confirmation of your donation and I will be notified as soon as you make your donation.

I thank you in advance for your support, and really appreciate your generosity!!

-Maria & Troy Dahlin

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Update on Mom

Hi everyone,
There hasn't been a lot to report lately.
Mom has 5 days left with radiation!!!!

While she was charged and ready to go before she started, she still tires. Now, the radiation has kicked her on her tail. She is depleted and really feeling like getting up to get a drink can be a challenge in the afternoons.

For those of you who know Mom well, you know this is a tough trial for her to not perpetually be "productive" throughout the day.

We try to encourage her that her only "job" is to rest and let her body use the energy to fight the cancer. She may need a little encouragement in this area.
She is enjoying her days but tiring easily, has never been in her plan.

Thank you for checking the blog for updates. I know they have been thin recently, but no news can sometimes be good news. :)

God bless,
Kimberly and family

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Thank you from Ladeva and Warren

Warren and I haven't stopped talking about seeing all of the friends and family that were at the benefit! Some were friends of our children we knew when they were in school. Some were friends that we went to church with in Winlock years ago, Some of our classmates came from Warren's and my class! Our grown children's friends came and a lot of them worked! Quite a few workers and visitors were from Pacific cataract and Laser Institute. We saw familiar faces from our church, some that have worked with Warren and Troy, some who were my former employers before PCLI.
I was so glad that all of my siblings, and their spouses could be there along with quite a few nephews and nieces. I was glad that our children and grandchildren could share it with us, along with Warren's sister Sherry and Tom who played a big part in helping, and also some of Warren's cousins.
We have been fortunate to have known so many wonderful people and it was so much fun to see them in one place. Looking around, it seemed like everyone was having a good time, and Warren and I enjoyed every minute we were there.

The Co-chairs, Stephanie Floth and Debbie Grose, were amazing in the organizing of the event. I am grateful for all your hours and hours of work, and for the love that motivated it. To all of you at PCLI that worked like little beavers, to our families that put in a lot of time helping, to so many of you that offered your labor of love during the event, to the many who provided the beautiful desserts, to those of you that worked setting up, tearing down, cleaning up, getting donations, advertising and jobs too numerous to mention, we thank each and everyone of you.
Thanks to Wade Samuelson, for donating his talent as an auctioneer, and to Jay and Brenda Milton for donating the use of their beautiful facility! Thanks to all who gave a monetary gift, or gave a donation for the auction. Also without the buyers, we would not have had a successful auction, so we thank you all for coming.

Warren and I will be talking about this for the rest of our lives. It was a very special day to remember. Thank you all for making us feel so loved and cared for. We are deeply grateful and appreciative and cannot express to you what it meant to us. We love you all, Ladeva and Warren

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The blessings of the Benefit.

It is not possible to put into words what the benefit for Mom was like.

While many of you were there to see for yourself, I know many could not attend and I wanted to share a little about it here.

First I want to just say that the people that worked on this auction and on the committee are a group of people that we as a family will forever be grateful to. The amount of hours spent planning and working on this event was no doubt equal to another full time job.

I am hoping to have pictures to post for you all at some point, I just have to find out who has some. :) ( if any of you do have pictures and can email them to me, I will post them on the blog to share with everyone here.)

There were hundreds of silent auction items, dozens of raffled items, and over 50 live auction items. There was an innumerable amount of desserts that were some of best I've seen. Our family was so very humbled by the outpouring of gifts, services, time, and donations. Mom and Dad were blessed at the amount of people that took time out of their schedules to attend and donate some of the most wonderful items I have ever seen at an auction of this kind.

We thank you for your love and support of Mom and Dad and want to again thank you for your generosity and love shown to them through this season in their lives.

I want to extend a special thanks to those on the committee who worked so hard for the last 4 months planning this enormous event. Your hours of service made the event so well organized and efficient, and we were amazed at the care in every detail.

We are blessed beyond measure and thank God for all your hands, feet and hearts that worked to make it a success. It was a beautiful gift to Mom and Dad.

We feel humbled and grateful to all who were able to come and support this effort.

Thank you.
Kimberly and family

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Swell !

Hi everyone,
Just a note to keep you updated on Mom's progress.
She has been really swollen in her leg around the thigh and down the leg to the ankle. She spoke to the radiologist about it yesterday and they decided to have an ultrasound done to rule out the possibility of another blood clot.

All was clear. No clotting, just swelling. The Dr. believes it is just the same old thing. The tumor pushes on the tissues and surrounding vessels and constricts the flow of fluid, backs it up, and causes swelling in her leg. It is irritating and can be sore, but not overly painful to this point. She is starting to have tenderness around the corners of the radiated area so would appreciate it if you remember her in your prayers as always. She still has several weeks left, so we know there will be a day when it could potentially get worse. For now we are grateful for today and the relative discomfort to the pain of the chemo and side effects. Mom has a good attitude, staying positive and looking forward to the day the tumor can be removed and go to the next phase of battle.

I have an awesome family. Some days we are down, some days we are up. We take turns and when one of us is struggling, the other lifts us up in prayer, deed or word. Yesterday I was having a punk day. Then my brother called.

I have to say that one of the biggest gifts of my life is Troy. For years Carmen and I prayed for a little brother. Mom and Dad were done after the two of us. (Understandably.) Take that whichever way you must. We prayed daily for a little brother. God answered the prayers of two little girls and along came Troy. I am not sure in the history of the world if there has ever been a more hen pecked child than Troy. Although in retrospect, maybe that is WHY he's such a wonderful man today. Ha :) He had in essence, three mothers. He didn't ever have a chance to learn like a normal little boy about manners because his Mother and two sisters were always in unison whispering "Say Thank you" etc.etc.

He is 6 years younger than me, and 9 younger than Carmen. He was our pride and joy from day one and we loved him to death!(almost) To this day Carmen and I are forced to remind him when he is being particularly naughty, that "We prayed you into this world, we can pray you out!" That usually shuts him up. I think there's just a bit of wondering.............?

He grew up and married a beautiful woman who I am so proud to call my sister. I love that girl so much. She is the best Mama in the world to Sadie and Nate, and she loves my ornery brother so she's just about perfect I think. I am blessed so much in my family. I / we genuinely love to be together and draw strength from each other.
Yesterday was an example of that. I was having a day when I felt doubts and fears whispering around me and the phone rang. It was Troy. We talked and teased for a bit and then we really talked and my brother blessed my heart. He knew I was struggling and he started sharing some scripture he was reading daily as an encouragement to himself.

I wanted to share it with you as well. My hope is that if you are struggling with anything in your life right now, that it would encourage you. You may have read it before. I have many times, but not when I was in the midst of a struggle, so it came to life for me yesterday. God's word is like that. You can read it and it touches you. Then you can read the same thing years later and the same exact passage will open up, pierce your heart and have a new meaning all over again. It will apply to the very thing you are working through in your life. I love that.

1 Peter 5:6-10
"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you."

I loved that. It says many things. Different things may stand out to different people when they read it. I loved that God says when we humble ourselves He will exalt us in "due time". I have to remember it is in HIS time, not mine. He cares for me, loves me. He wants me to cast all my cares on Him. He can take it, and I could use the break. I just need to leave it there,and walk away from it. He wants me to rest in Him and I forget that sometimes. And finally, I love the promise that suffering will be for a while, He will: perfect, establish, strengthen and settle us. Mom's suffering will be settled. It won't go on forever. She will be strengthened in the end. While she isn't suffering now, we know it is not over. So, I am choosing today to cast my cares on Him. I can trust Him for the future, whatever it holds. He is trustworthy in all things. And, I can praise Him for giving me a family who loves and trusts the Lord, and a brother that yesterday, after years of being mothered by his Mom and two relentless sisters; mothered me.

I hope today you feel cared for, established, strengthened and settled.

With much love,

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Six more days..........

Hi everyone,
We are quickly approaching the benefit night for Mom on September 13th.
We had our last meeting on Friday and I am so excited about some of the neat auction items that have been donated. We have somewhere in the vicinity of 47 live auction items and dozens of silent auction items. We hope that you can come out and have some dessert,sign the guest book and do a little shopping while listening to some live jazz music. It is going to be such a fun afternoon and we can't express our gratitude enough for all the donations of services, items, time, and money to make this day a success.

If you can make it, the silent auction starts at 1:00 and will end at 2:45. the live auction will follow and go until approximately 5:00.
It is being held at:
Edison Place
201 N. Rock St.
Centralia, WA 98531

Please join us if you can for dessert, live music and a great time of fun.

Mom is continuing to do well during the radiation phase and is not yet experiencing the intense pain from radiation that we know is forthcoming. She does have some soreness and tenderness around one of her tattooed areas. The intense pain is most likely just around the corner, so we ask that you continue to keep her in your prayers as she forges ahead. We are grateful for each day that she continues to feel good. Thank you for your continued love and encouragement to Mom and Dad both.

We are truly blessed by you all.
I hope we get to see you Saturday and thank you in person.

Kimberly and family

Monday, September 1, 2008

A message from Mom.

To all my wonderful family and friends,

There hasn't been a lot of news to write about lately. I have been to three days of radiation last week,and so far it hasn't been hard. They did tell me that I would probably start getting sore in my second week. It is so much easier than chemo,that I feel like I am getting a big break! The staff at Radiant Care where I take my treatment are so nice and caring that it makes it easier to go everyday.

These last two weeks,I have been able to drive again! It feels so good to be able to go without depending on every one. I have had wonderful chauffeurs and I appreciate each and every one. I don't know if I can keep driving later during radiation,so I will have to see how it goes.

You all have blessed me so much! I have had so many surprises hearing from people that I have not seen or heard from in years. I have received so many calls and cards and it makes me want to be a lot better in remembering others. Some of you have sent cards almost weekly when things were really rough. I can't thank you enough for remembering me with your kind thoughts and prayers on my behalf. I feel that God is loving me through you, and it gives me what I need to face whatever I'm going through. Sometimes,I have felt so loved that it has been almost overwhelming. There is a verse in the Bible that says "HE IS ABLE TO MAKE ALL GRACE ABOUND TOWARD YOU." I feel God has given me extra grace to face this cancer experience and will be with me through all the days ahead. I still need you,so if I come to mind,know that God has put me there and please ask Him to help me finish the race as He would want me to. If I could, I would have you all feel as loved as I do. Thank you all for all your love and support.
My love and gratitude,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One day down....approximately 27 to go.

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to update you on Mom's first day of radiation.
She was there about 1 1/2 hours.
She said most of that time was spent trying to position her perfectly and get her lined up for all future treatments. She said they were all very careful and conscience with their measuring. The treatment did not last that long and was pain free.
They told her it should be that way for 2-3 weeks before she feels any discomfort.
That is great as she has had enough of the pain stuff.

Will update you as she progresses.

Thank you for all the encouragement and prayers. It makes a difference day in and day out.

Kimberly and family

Sunday, August 24, 2008

What's new

Hi everyone,
Just an update about Mom.
She is doing well. Still intermittent nerve pain in her leg, but she takes meds for the pain when necessary.

She is starting to drive again a little and is so thankful to be able to get around now that she is feeling better and not on heavy doses of pain medication.

Yesterday we had a work party at Carmen's to help her paint her house. Mom and Paris went to Troy and Maria's to take care of Sadie and Nate while we all scraped and painted. Mom said she had a wonderful afternoon with the kids. Paris loves Nate and Sadie so much and they love to play with her. Mom said they all laid in the hammock and Paris was able to do the chasing and in and out breaks with the kids. She is really great with the kids and they played well all day. Brian,Paris and I had picked blackberries Friday night and when we left to go home, we discovered Grandma, Paris and the kids had made a cobbler with them. (I knew we had left the with the right person!) The house was looking great and Grandma said she wasn't tired at all. They headed to Carmen's to see the progress. The kids played in the yard and Mom was able to be with them and sit in a nice lawn chair with her leg up and a blanket over her. She seemed content and happy despite the fact that it drives her crazy to not be able to help paint. We just love being in her presence, so it was fun to have her there. She is usually working like crazy at all our family work parties. She has been such an example of servitude to us all for so long. It's hard to keep a good woman down though, so it's good that Dad was there to help rein her in and keep an eye on her. :)

Mom was "adopted" by Ray and Ida Altringer over 25 years ago as her surrogate parents. Ida passed away on Friday. Her funeral is Tuesday. Mom will miss her very much. They first met when she was working at the Toledo Senior Center. Yesterday Ray and his daughter Lynn brought Mom some flowers to arrange for the funeral. Mom was happy to be asked to put something together for her funeral. Tuesday will be a sad day. She loves them both so much and Lynn has always loved Mom and included her as a sister.

Radiation starts Wednesday so I probably won't update again until after that, unless something else comes up in the meantime.

I appreciate having this blog and getting to give you a glimpse into how things are going for her. She remains grateful for all you who have loved her so well.

With gratitude,

Friday, August 22, 2008

Thank you!

Great news!
The insurance concern has gone away.
Carmen took care of everything and got it straightened out yesterday.

I just wanted those of you who were praying about it to know, and to thank you for your prayers. Mom and Dad have been dealing with so much and I have appreciated your requests for specific items to pray over. Thank you! You all have been such a blessing to our family.

Kimberly and family

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tattooing complete.

Yesterday Mom got her tattoo's on her leg to help direct the radiation better.

She is set for her first round of radiation next Wednesday. She will go daily for 5 weeks except weekends and holidays.

Mom is having some more discomfort in her leg again. Not like before, but enough that I wanted to ask you to pray about that specifically.

I'll keep it short, but there is a possible challenge with insurance. This has a potential to cause some stress for them both. I am hoping it is a mistake, but I would ask you to partner with us in praying about it as well if you would.

God has all the details worked out with everything already but when you can't see the whole picture it can feel scary.

I know that nothing can occur that doesn't pass through the Lord's hands first. He already knows the outcome that we are not privy to. Thank you for praying through the details.

Mom is feeling pretty good otherwise and getting around the house and doing a few things here and there. She's not one to sit around much so I know she loves feeling well enough to be a bit more active.

We are forever grateful for your love, support, encouragement and prayers for Mom and Dad.

Kimberly and family

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Radiation update

We have more news on Mom's treatment.
Last week she was told she couldn't get in to start her radiation for several weeks due to their schedule and the Dr. was out. We were worried that the Dr.'s in Seattle would not want her to wait too long, so she called Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and they called yesterday to say that they had spoken with the Dr. and that she was back, and would be fitting her into the schedule today.

She has an 11:30 appointment for the preliminary consultation. She will go back at the end of the week for the tattooing she will get on her leg. They do this to line up her leg accurately at each visit to receive each radiation treatment.

Mom is starting to feel a little better and is able to get around and do some things here and there as long as she stops and rests in between.

Brittain is staying with them for a few days to help Grandma with a few jobs around the house and yard. She called this morning to tell me they are having a good time. They have been watching the Olympics at night and working during the day on little projects with "rest breaks" sprinkled in between.

I'll let you know if there is anything else to report after her visit today.
As of now it looks like she will start radiation next week.

Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement.

With love,
Kimberly and family

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Short and Sweet

I don't have much to report, so I'll keep it short and sweet just like my little Mama. She is feeling pretty good and is gaining her strength daily. She has been enjoying special time visiting with family and friends, cheering on the USA Olympic teams and treasuring her time back at home.

Thank you for everyone's prayers and encouragement. You have been a blessing to all of us.

With love,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good News!

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

We received lots of great news today! Today was Mama's appointment at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. The Doctors key word repeatedly spoken today was "Amazing!"

Answer to prayer and blessing #1: The doctors were amazed at the change in the size of Mama's tumor. The MRI showed the tumor has shrunk at least 1/2 the size from what it used to be. The difference really is a amazing!

#2: We didn't get the reading of the PET Scan, but the Doctors were able to look at the imaging and said the red "hot spots" which represent the living cancer cells were now black. Meaning the cancer cells are dead or sick. Thank you Jesus!

#3: Surgery is cancelled for tomorrow. The Doctors were pleased with the progress and felt the next step will be Radiation for 5 weeks. They were very cautious about transferring the Radiation treatment outside of Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, but to save Mama the long drive to Seattle 5 days a week, the head Radiation doctor checked and found a doctor in Lacey, WA that she had worked with before, felt comfortable and confident referring her to. The doctor had even graduated through their program. They will be setting up her care with them to begin later this week or next week. This is a huge blessing to only have to travel a half hour each way rather than the 1.75 to 2 hour each way to Seattle.

#4: After 5 weeks of Radiation, Mama will be given 4 weeks to rest and heal. The radiation typically causes the skin to feel sunburned. They expect with her skin being so sensitive, she may have some skin discomfort. After 4 weeks of healing, they will be scheduling surgery to remove that nasty old tumor.

No plan has been made so far post surgery. However, a couple rounds of chemo as an insurance may follow. Thank you to everyone for your continual prayers. We are seeing the rewards of answered prayers.

With love,

Thank you Lord for your strength in the storm. When we have felt weary, You have held us up. Thank you for giving wisdom to the many doctors and caregivers. Thank you for orchestrating every detail of Mama's care. Thank you for the healing you have provided and continue to pour out. Today our hearts are full of joy and thankfulness. We love you Lord. All praise and glory to you. Amen

Thank you! Thank you!

The Benefit Committee's plea for help purchasing a much needed software for the Auction has been answered!

We would like to send a big "Thank you!" to Dr. Ford and Debbie Eldridge for their generous donation from Pacific Cataract & Laser Institute. PCLI has offered to cover the full cost for the software. For those of you who may not be aware, Mom retired from PCLI last year. Mama loved working for PCLI and as you can see, they loved her too.

We have also received several more offers to donate money. The Benefit Committee gratefully welcomes any further donations. However, any future donations would be used to purchase a long list of needs such as ingredients for punch, cups, paper plates, forks, napkins, paper, printing, etc.

Please keep Mama, Daddy and our family in your prayers today. (Tuesday) We will be meeting with the Dr. to hear the results of her PET Scan and MRI. The decisions will also be made as to what is the next course of action will be. At this point, surgery to remove the tumor is scheduled for Wednesday should that be the Doctor's decision. Otherwise, I believe they will cancel surgery. Please pray for wisdom for the Doctors and all that are involved in this process. We have mixed feelings of what is best and what "good news" is to sound like. Our trust is in God, the great Physician. God's will be done.

With love and thanks,

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Note from the Benefit Auction Co-Chairs

35 days countdown to Ladeva's Auction.

Just a short note to all those who are interested in contributing to Ladeva's Auction. We are humbly asking for auction items. Anything appealing, unique, edible, and attractive can be auctioned off for Ladeva's Benefit. Our Auction Recorder, Patsy Poynes is requesting that all auction items be turned in for registry by August 15th!! That's this Friday. Last minute items will still be accepted.

There is an urgent need for an Auction program. This software will cost $270 and is needed immediately. This ultra important software will help register and record auction items, make certificates, and most importantly will expedite check-out. It basically organizes every item auctioned off. Please consider donating any amount towards the purchase of this item. This is the one and only monetary plea the Auction Committee has asked for. We have tried unsuccessfully to borrow this software to keep costs to a minimum, but at this point in time we absolutely need this software.

To contribute, click the link to the right, "Email Carmen about the Benefit". Be sure to have your subject line say "Ladeva's Benefit".

Thank you for your consideration.

Stephanie Floth and Debbie Grose
Benefit Auction C0-Chairs

Saturday, August 9, 2008

On the mend

Mama seems to be on the mend. Her mouth and throat sores are slowly beginning to heal. She is able to eat better. Of course, soft foods go down the easiest. Her last blood tests showed her counts are now coming back up. After so many set backs and complications, we are so thankful for her now being on the "Up Swing".

Mama has been able to get out of the house several times and experience some low keyed fun. Thursday, Daddy took her for a drive and went out to visit Grandma (Daddy's mom) in Onalaska. They had a good visit. On Friday, Mama's niece Dayla came and took care of her. Dayla made Mama's day by taking her down to watch little Sadie's swimming lessons. Sadie was thrilled to have them there. Today, Daddy and Mama got out and did a little shopping. She came back home real tired and took a nap to recharge her batteries. This evening, Troy, Maria, Sadie & Nate, my son Carson and myself were up at Mama & Daddy's visiting and looking at old family photos. As always, Sadie and Nate kept us entertained with all their cute little things they say and do. We had a nice time together. It's been so difficult watching Mama suffer day after day, so seeing her so happy today was a salve to my heart. Thank you Lord.

Tomorrow (Sunday) will be her last day of freedom, before her appointments in Seattle begin on Monday. Monday, Mama will have a PET scan. Tuesday, she will have a MRI and then we will meet with the doctor to hear the results of the scans and find out what's next. (Surgery or Radiation?) Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and for good test results. We covet your prayers.

With love,

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Home at last.

Mom received her last infusion of platelets this morning.
They did another blood test and her platelet count had come up enough for her to be released.

They left the hospital a little before noon.
When they got home they got a call from Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.
They wanted to remind her that she had an appointment on Monday and Tuesday in Seattle. Then they told her that she was scheduled for surgery on Wednesday.


Mom told them that we had been told that Tuesday was the day we were finding out what Dr. Conrad wanted to do next. She told the nurse that she had just been dismissed and that she was really hoping to get her strength back before going into surgery. She was told that they would keep the surgery schedule "as is", and let Dr. Conrad decide if Mom was strong enough for surgery on Wednesday.

So, we are not sure, but Mom may have surgery next Wednesday and be back in the hospital for a while. This is a "good news, bad news" situation.
On one hand, she wants the tumor out. On another, it was just a bit shocking to learn about it that way and not from the Dr. as well as so soon after getting out. But, we will just view this as God's plan and that he will work out all the details as they should be.

We are grateful Mom is home and will be seeing an Oncologist in Centralia in the afternoon tomorrow. She needs to see them and establish care with them for the future radiation treatment she will get in Lacey.

She is tired, but happy to be home.
She is thankful to you all for your faithful prayer and support.

I will update you tomorrow, but tonight I am just glad she gets to sleep in her own bed.

Thank you all,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Answered prayer.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for Mom.

Dad called about 1:45 to tell me that they had come in to try one more time to get a blood sample from Mom's port. They had put in something called TPA that is supposed to dissolve any blood clots in the one side that had not been working since last Friday and.............. it worked!!!` Next, just for grins they decided to try the second side of the port and IT WORKED ALSO!!! They had done nothing to the other side at all and yet it gave blood just as smoothly as the other side with the meds.

Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement and the prayers today.
Prayer can change things!!!

God is so good!!!

Mom is doing better tonight and has finished her potassium and all other infusions.
Her mouth is still sore but tonight she is talking better,and that means that the sores are starting to get better! She thinks she may even be released tomorrow.
Woo Hoo

Thank you again for all your prayer and love of Mom and Dad.
Your prayers on their behalf have been a blessing and has proved to change her circumstance.

With gratitude,
Kimberly and family


This is a frusterating email to write.
I want to share a new need, but have been struggling, with my family, to not drop into a full press depression.

Mom got to UW about 3:30. I didn't get there until after 7:00 last night.
When I arrived she was still not hooked up to anything,and the nurse was comng in about 8:00 to take blood from her port. Enter the problem. They were unable to get blood from the port. Now she had to either have a blood draw from a vein, or wait to have the charge nurse come in and de-access the one side, and then re-access both sides again and try to get one of them to work. Since she is such a tough poke, they opted for the latter. The one clogged port was able to receive i.v. meds, but not give any blood. Her nurse had not accessed a double port before and wanted the charge nurse to do it. The charge nurse had a meeting to go to so she ddn't get back to access until after 10:00PM. Mom had requested some lydocaine creme to numb the skin first. Her skin was bright red and raw. The hospital nurses at both Providence and UW had removed and replaced the coverings and tape over the port multiple times and her skin was tender, bright red and swollen. The creme burned and when they cleansed it to start the procedure, it burned like straight alchohol.

Now, usually I stay wth Mom and hand hold during these procedures, and I did. But last night she felt pain when each side was accessed. A lot of pain. I was not much support. I cried my head off watching her go through this one more time. It was finally done about 10:35 and they were able to draw blood through one side to start the blood type and cross. She was exhausted as was Daddy.They had been up since 2:30 AM on Monday morning and she just wanted to sleep for a little bit. She had taken some oxycodone about 9:45 so it may have helped her sleep for a bit.I left them about 11:00 after we got Dad's bed made, so unfortunately they got to bed really late.

I talked with Dad about 9:00 this morning. Neither port site will give blood this morning. Hence the AAARRRRGGGGHHH! Now what? the Dr.'s are in the hall talking and will discuss the options to address this.

She got one unit of blood through the night. She will get another today, platelets, and potassium. She is very weak and in constant discomfort. PLEASE pray for a repreive for her. God is still in control. He is still watching over her. I remind myself of that day and night, but honestly that doesn't mean we don't get discouraged.

I know the Dr.'s will do what they can to resolve this situation with the port, but I felt so discouraged this morning. Then I was reading in Psalms and I read:

Psalm 118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man."

This morning I was asking what were the Dr.'s planning? What did they think will resolve this? What are they going to do? Relying on other people and the Dr.'s is part of living, and being in the hospital. That's why we go, but my ultimate trust must remain in His hands. I have to keep my eyes lifted up. God is sovereign. He will decide what is best and when.

I will ask you though, to keep us in your prayers as well.
It's easy to let things discourage. I am praying that today will be a new day of positve results and a clear direction.

We as a family thank you for all your prayers and encouragement.
This blog is a special blessing to us.

With love,
Kimberly and family

Monday, August 4, 2008

Back to UWMC

Dad called this morning to tell me they were at the ER in Centralia Providence hospital. Dad had taken Mom in the middle of the night. At that point they were giving her hydration and had taken a blood sample.

Dad called back around 11:00 AM to tell me that Mom's red, white and platelet counts were dangerously low and that they were discharging her from Centralia, so Dad could take her to be admitted at UWMC. She will need at least two additional blood transfusions and platelets.

Dad ran home to pack them a bag and then they will head up North.
They are very concerned with her counts so low and she is at huge risk of infection etc. right now.

Please pray for her protection from sickness, and that the new blood and platelets will turn things around quickly for her. They dread going up there again, but are doing what they have to, and most importantly, what is in the best interest of Mom right now. This is not great, but it is one more step she is taking with one more day and another giant down. She can beat this one too. She is brave and strong.

Please keep praying diligently.
We are grateful to each one of you.

With love and gratitude,
Kimberly and family

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The struggle goes on...

Hi everyone.
Mom is still really struggling with these horrible mouth and throat sores.
It is even too painful to speak as her teeth scape her mouth and cause more pain.
This is emotionally taxing when it drags on day after day.

Her specific request for prayer at this point is that she turn the corner with these symptoms and not have to return to the hospital and be admitted as she has in the past. Her last visit for the mucusitis bought her a week at UWMC. She desperately wants to remain at home.

Please pray for her specifically in this area.
We are all so grateful to have this way to request prayer for Mom and Dad.

Thank you for your continuous and tireless prayer.

Kimberly and family

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Home again home again jiggity jig.

OK, so Mom got home this afternoon after getting i.v. hydration and pain killers. Dad had stopped and gotten her some egg flower soup to see if she could eat any of it. She was able to get some down as well as a little propel flavored water. She's keeping her chin up and they are happy to have one more day of treatment and symptoms behind her. She is not pain free by any means, and even swallowing pain killers is a challenge when you can't swallow your own spit.(sorry Mom if that is too crude)

I hope she is able to sleep tonight and that they can both get some rest.
Thank you for praying for her.

I will update tomorrow after I have another report.


A bump in the road

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to update you on Mom for the last two days.

Yesterday they headed up to Seattle for her blood transfusions.
They got caught in some horrible 1-5 traffic and were late in getting to their appointment. This pushed everything back. They accessed the port to do the preliminary blood check and discovered that one side of the port is blocked with what they believe is a blood clot. The good news is that they can still access the other port side for now. They were still able to give the blood through the one port side. They got started at 3:00 instead of 1:00 so it was sometime after 9:00PM when they returned home. They had an exhausting day yesterday.

This morning I heard from Dad and they are back in the ER at Providence hospital in Centralia. Mom can not swallow again as the mouth sores from the chemo have really flared up. Dad called up to Seattle and they told him to take her to Providence.
She is waiting now to see a Dr. so I don't have anything else to tell you until that is done. Hopefully she will get some earlier help and the sores will resolve themselves faster with good hydration and medical care.
We would ask you to pray for her in this latest bump in the road. Please pray for rest for them both and a quick healing.

The port issue will remain unaddressed until we know for sure if she will continue to need it.

We thank you for your prayer and support of Mom and Dad.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday July 31, 2008

I spoke with Mom tonight for an update on how she's feeling.
She had a blood draw today to check her white and red blood cells.
She heard from her Oncology nurse today and she needs to go back up to Seattle in the morning to get 2 units of blood. She is super fatigued, but no longer dreads the transfusions as she always ends up feeling better afterwards.

Dad is such a trooper. He is a tireless chauffeur and he sits with her for hour after endless boring hour and is happy to do it. Tomorrow they will be making the trek alone as none of us kids can make it, but with Mom able to walk again it is not as critical as before. Thank you Dad for loving our Mom so very well.

Aunt Soli stayed the night last night and hung out with Mom this morning while Dad was gone. Later, Aunt Edna came and she was the one to take Mom for the blood draw.
Thank you Aunties. We love and appreciate you!

I wanted to give you an update on Mathew, my cousin. He is finally out of the hospital. He got the chest tube removed and is staying with Dayla and Brett recovering. We love you Mathew! I am glad you are doing better and we will continue to pray for complete healing.

Love to you all,
Kimberly and family

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two busy days.

Tuesday Mom and Dad had to travel back up to Seattle for a 5 minute appointment to get her shot. It was a long drive up and back but the shot is an immunity booster, so super important.

When she got home, her good friend Debbie Grose came to stay and visit with her in the afternoon. Debbie and Mom worked together at PCLI and Debbie is also a Co-Chair of Mom's benefit. They had a great afternoon together. Later, Mom's brother Dean came and then Aunt Elaine was able to come after work and they had dinner together and visited. They had a nice time and got to catch up with each other.

Today Maria came and brought the kids to see Mom. They made marshmellow popcorn balls and Mom had a great day watching them play and spending time with Maria.

Carmen was there with them tonight after work and they were having a nice relaxing evening.

A few things you could pray for would be her mouth sores which are back,her fatigue, and a newer symptom which is her fingernails are now peeling off and very tender and sore.

Thank you for your prayers.


Monday, July 28, 2008

She's OUTTA ' THERE!!!

Mom and Dad hit the road for home about noon.
They only gave her 8 hours of post hydration today so that cut their time off by 4 hours. The other thing that got them out was they asked the Dr.'s to write for all her post chemo RX's yesterday, so they were ready. Usually that's a hold up as well.

Mom is extremely fatigued, and was really battling a lot of nausea this morning. But, just before they de-acccessed her port,they gave her some anti nausea med right through the port instead of through an i.v. She said it really got the nausea under control quickly and she was so relieved to get in the car to ride home not feeling lousy.

She has to go back up to Seattle tomorrow for the nuelasta shot as it didn't work out to get care established in Centralia or Lacey before now.
They have all her info and records now, so she will see an Oncology Dr. in Centralia on August 7th and hopefully and future things like shots and radiation will be done closer to home.

Mom has a great case manager that coordinates and gets approval for things she needs and we are grateful to her for her work on making this happen.....eventually. :)

For now, she is back in Lewis County. Thank you for praying for her and Dad through round 4!!! She did it! God was faithful in giving her everything she needed to get through. Thank you again for your prayers and encouragement. It makes such a difference to her and means so much to all of us.

With much love,

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Sabath, a day of rest.

I just spoke with Carmen.
Today has been another very sleepy day for Mom.
The more chemo she gets the sleepier she becomes and she is now on day four.

She slept most of the day and woke around 4:00. The three of them are watching a movie hoping the day will go by faster. She is on the downhill slope of this stay,so just counting the hours until dismissal.
She will be very fatigued for at least a week after getting home and will then deal with the side effects that inevitably come. We would ask that you continue to pray for her stamina and protection as her white and red blood cells plummet.

With love,

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Too many cooks in the kitchen!

Mom's i.v. meds come in a few colors. A very vibrant deep blue, for her methylene blue, and one of her chemo meds is a bright deep orange color.

So, when Troy and Maria got there with Sadie(4) and Nate (2), her methylene blue was almost done. Sadie looked at the bags and said "Grandma, what flavors do you have?"
Then, ever diligent, she noticed the "blue" med was almost empty and told Mom she better have the Dr. get her some more because she was almost out. It does look crazy that all those "flavors" are going in.

Mom said Maria had brought them lunch, or "people food", and so they didn't have to dine in the cafeteria for lunch. The nurse had brought the kids some Popsicles and Sadie and Troy were doing a puzzle together. Mom was so content to have them around her and happy to be able to enjoy them. Thanks for the grub Sis! We love ya!

They are precious. She's staying awake today and enjoying the kids, Troy and Maria.

If I could ask you to all pray for Matt Foster, I would appreciate it. Matt is Dayla Foster's 22 year old son.( Dayla is Mom and Dad's Niece, so I guess that makes Matt their great nephew?) Anyhow, he has been working hard on advertising for Mom's benefit, but is in the hospital with a collapsed lung and a chest tube. He's in pain and not able to hold food down. He is expected to stay in the hospital with the tube until in the least, Wednesday. We would appreciate your prayers for him. This is the second time this has happened to him and he may need more procedures in the future to help prevent it.

As always, thank you for your prayer and love,

Sleepng Beauty

I just spoke with Mom, Friday and today are sleepy days.
Thursday night she was up every hour and so she slept most of the day yesterday.
She was up every hour again last night, so at 11:00 this morning she was sleeping again when I called.

She is having a response to the meds this time that is causing her to be really tired. It frustrates her a bit, but we are thankful it is this side effect and not the nausea, confusion and pain of round one and two. In round 3, she had experienced almost three weeks of feeling good before the chemo. This time she was back in after only about a week of feeling better. I think we just can't have expectations that they will be one way or the other. They are what they are, and we will just pray her through them. Mom says Dad slept well last night and he is making it through the boredom. :)

Troy, Maria, Sadie and Nate are coming to see Grandma and Grandpa today, so Mom is wanting to get the napping out of the way so she can stay awake for the kids.

On an unrelated note, we had the benefit meeting last night.
It went well and we again want to thank everyone who attended and are helping.
Stephanie Floth and Debbie Grose are doing an amazing job, as well as Dayla Foster, Matt Foster and Deb Parnham. We as a family are so blessed by your labor of love in service and support to Mom and Dad.

Many of you have asked what the needs are to this point and honestly this is the best form of communication I have, so I will share it here if you would indulge me.
It looks like donations of procurement items are still a big need. We were told these usually get done over a 9 month period. This is being attacked in a 3+ month period. We heard of some of the donations last night. Some from businesses and services, while others are offering donations, and "theme" baskets, gift certificates and catered dinners, to free consultations and more. If you know of anyone who may know Mom and Dad or be able to donate something, would you consider mentioning this benefit to them? They can log onto the blog and click on the link to the right of the posts at the bottom that says "Email Carmen about the benefit".
She is forwarding all information to the appropriate Team Leader in each category.

We also have a huge need for non refrigerated desserts to be donated for the benefit. Pies, cakes etc. The health department won't allow any refrigerated items such as cheesecake and pudding pies etc. If you are able to help in this area at all, again please email Carmen at the link to the right of the blog and Carmen will forward it to the Team Leader in charge of desserts. This will help her track what we have and what may be coming in.

The benefit is scheduled for September 13 and our next meeting is Friday August 22nd at 7:00pm.

We appreciate you and thank you for your love and support of Mom and Dad.

With love,

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Healing quilt.

Yesterday was a good day.
When I got there Mom was reading a book, Dad was reading a magazine. The first question ai ask when I get there is "Who is your nurese today"? Mom had Jennifer. Mom has had Jenn every time she has been on the 6th floor because Jennifer always requests her. It's nice to see a familiar face each time,and in round 4 there are many. She is a sweet lady and it added another blessing to the day.

We ate a picnic lunch and went outside to sit on the patio for several hours. Then we went upstairs for some med additions to her iv pole and then back outside for several hours. It sure makes the day go by nicer when you can sit outside and pretend you aren't really at the hospital with four walls around you 24/7.

We had a late picnic dinner and I took some pictures of Mom with her "healing quilt" on her. For some of you that don't know about the healing quilt, it is a quilt Aunt Donna had finished by a friend of hers. It was just a quilt top that Mom's mother had made 46 years ago. It had floated from one family member to the next. Each had an intention of getting something done with it, but a few were told it was too old and it really couldn't be bound and made into a quilt. Aunt Donna's friend surprised her and did finish it. She hand stitched everything on it to match the quilt top. Donna received it back on Valentines Day of this year. She said she didn't feel like she should keep it to herself and so asked the Lord to tell her what to do with it.She felt the Lord tell her that it should be a "healing quilt". A quilt that went to the sibling that needed it the most at the time,and was sick. Just as their Mom had covered them in love and prayer, the quilt would be a symbol of the same love being covered over each person that needed it. So, I have taken a picture of that quilt to share with you.

I took this picture last night before I left,and Mom has it over her whenever she is in bed. Thank you Aunt Donna for sharing it.

Mom's afternoon/night nurse is a HUGE quilt enthusiast. She went to the National quilting Expose in ?Kentucky or Tennessee this year. She wanted to hear all about it.She loved the quilt and the story behind it. It was fun to share about the family history and Mom's brothers and sisters.

I won't be there today. Mom is doing so well and tonight is the next benefit meeting in Centralia. (Shameless pug here: ALL ARE WELCOME!)

Thanks again for the posts and calls and cards. They keep them going. She has her computer and reads the blog daily.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Round 4!

Hi everyone.
I have spoken with Mom and they are admitted and settling in at the hospital.

They had an appointment at 3:00 to have her port accessed and a blood draw. I am sorry to say that accessing her port hurt again, although not like before the replacement.
They used a local anesthetic, but ultimately she still needed a narcotic to ease the discomfort.

They met with Dr. Rodler, her Oncologist and her PA and then they had dinner and reported to UWMC.

They are on the 6th floor SE in room 6334.
Chemo will not start for many hours as she has to have a flush of her system first and it takes the pharmacy HOURS to get the meds mixed.

Over all, things went as expected and they are doing well.
I will be going up in the morning to spend the day/evening with them and take "people" food to them. :)

Thanks for the prayers as they begin this next chapter. I hope it's a quick read this time.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A full day of friends

Sunday night Mom's little sister Donna arrived from Southern Oregon to spend a few nights catching up and visiting.

Today, Aunt Edna joined them and a girl from Mom and Dad's church that is also battling cancer.

They head up to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance in the morning to get her port accessed and a blood draw, then drive up to UWMC to be admitted and wait all day for the chemo meds to be mixed and she will receive the pre-hydration to help prepare her body to receive the chemo.

Please pray for energy and strength to come through round four even better than round three. I know God will go before them and give them everything they need to make it through the next 5-6 days. Your prayer and support mean the world to them.

Thank you for all your love and support you continually show Mom , Dad and our family. We are truly blessed.

With love,

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hi there from blazin' hot Leavenworth!

Today is a scorcher(for us that is)coming in at 98*. ( No laughter from Texas, Colorado Springs, etc)
We had a great day again today. Mom is sleeping ok, getting rest and having fun.

After breakfast we went back downtown to do a little shopping before it got too hot.
Cards, fudge and a nice cold Jones cola and we were all happy!

Yesterday Brian took Mom, Dad and Carmen into Cashmere to Apple Annies Antique store.
They had a great time. Brian was thrilled to have someone who would go with him with a good heart. I was happy to take the kids to the pool,so it was a win/win.

We all head home in the morning so Mom will have a day to prepare and pack before she and Dad go back to Seattle for 6 days.

Thank you all again for keeping up on her progress.

Hope your weekend was blessed and full of fun!

Kimberly and family

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lovin Leavenworth!

Hi everybody,
Today is Saturday and Mom, Dad and Carmen have joined us in Leavenworth for some great fun, barbecuing and relaxation.

They came over yesterday and we have already had a great time with beautiful weather and scenery.

Thursday, Mom had another blood draw and the nurse called her to say that her platelets were coming up and she was good to go for traveling across the pass.

She has felt pretty good while here and is taking things easy hanging out with family, while still managing to get in some shopping. We are watching movies, watching the kids swim and just enjoying being together.

She has learned that she returns on Wednesday to Seattle to start round 4 of her chemo treatment. Please pray that it will go as last time or even better!

Hope you are all enjoying the week from wherever you are.

Love to all,
Kimberly and family

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy birth-Day's.....

I don't have a lot to report today.
I spoke with Mom briefly as she had a house full of family.
They were celebrating Aunt Edna and I believe, Aunt Soli's birthdays today.
(please forgive me Aunties if I messed this up and it wasn't one of your birthdays, or I forgot someone. But it WAS quite loud in the background when I was talking to Mom, so I know you were all having a great time together.)

She said she felt great and that she was havig a fun day with her brothers, sisters and spouses, as well and Don and Barb Richardson.(cousins) Man, I am having a great time in Leavenworth with our family, but I was really wishing I was there to catch up with so many of you who were there. It sounded like a lot of fun was going on! Woo Hoo!

Things seem to be well for Mom and I think she will get another blood test tomorrow so we will see how the numbers look.

Love to you all!

Kimberly and family

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Oh "Positive " Day!

Ok, sorry about the pun, but after speaking with Dad today while at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA), our conversation was riddled with positive comments. Yes, Mom's blood type is "O positive".

Wow! Ask and you shall receive! Thank you to the two answers on the blog regarding typing and crossing the blood each and every time they give Mom a transfusion. Those answers were so thorough and informative. I appreciated it so much and I know many of us reading it got an education. I appreciate "annonymous's answer and your complete explanation as well Jonathan.

I spoke with Dad just a few minutes before 6:00 PM and they were still there. They had arrived around 10:00 AM and left and came back for the transfusion around 2:30 ish. They had finished the transfusion and she was just getting a hydration flush behind it. It had been a long day, but Mom was doing well. Sometimes she has a reaction after the transfusions, like spiking a fever etc. but so far, not so!

They were leaving there and going to get dinner on the way home so it will be a late night getting home. Dad said she felt so good she was suprised she even needed the blood.

Brian and I are in Leavenworth with the kids and Brian's parents for a few days enjoying some time with Glynn and Jane. I will be talking with Mom and Dad and updating you from here throughout the week.

Again, thank you to all of you who wrote on the blog. What a blessing this has been for so many, not the least of which is Mom, Dad and our family.

With much love,

Monday, July 14, 2008

Infuse and replenish

So the word for the day is "transfusion".

Mom had another blood draw today and the verdict is she needs more blood.

They want her up in Seattle at 10:00 AM for a "type and cross" of her blood, then she can leave and they put her blood through a special wash before they infuse it. She has to leave and go kill time before returning at 1:00 PM to get the transfusions.She will receive two units of blood tomorrow so it will be an all day event.

Now, I do know that Mom has gotten numerous blood transfusions, but for the life of me I can't figure out why she would need it type/crossed again.
Does anyone out there have an answer? I know that she has received a lot of blood that is (obviously)her type and it has all been through a special washing, but could it alter the blood type in any way that it would change it? I can't imagine that it would, but I thought I would check to see if anyone else had a decent answer.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday July 13, 2008

Mom is having another good day even though she is still exhausted.
She will hear tomorrow what Seattle Cancer Care wants in regards to her coming up for hydration. This has often really helped Mom to feel better and have more energy, so it would not surprise me if she isn't heading North tomorrow.

In other news, Troy, Jonathan and R.W. finished the race in Portland today, with no wipe outs and standing /riding upright. Way to go guys! That is a HUGE accomplishment. We are really proud of you. I hope the sunscreen held up and no one got any bad sunburns. That was a grueling race and over two very hot days!

I just want to thank you all of you who faithfully check the blog to know how to specificaly pray for Mom. You are such a blessing to us day in and day out.

I personally want to thank someone from our church that reads the blog. Thank you so very much for the card. It meant a lot and I was humbled by your words and love expressed there.

Will update you tomorrow on what unfolds with Seattle Cancer Care.
Hope you all had a beautiful weekend.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tired, yet sweet Saturday!

Mom's blood counts are still very low and today she felt it more so than yesterday.
I would equate it to something like being anemic, but probably at a greater level.

For those of you who know Mom well, you know she doesn't like to sit around and not be "productive" day in and day out. This is tough for her, but there are things she can't control or change, so she is learning to adapt a little at a time.

Today her good friend Stephanie Floth (She is heading up the benefit for Mom) and her daughter Alexis came and cleaned at Mom and Dad's. Mom said it was such a blessing and lifted her spirits so very much. Thank you Stephanie and Alexis for your labor of love on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. You gave her such a lift!

Troy participated in the Seattle to Portland bike race today with his friends Jonathan and R.W. Brian and Paris and I got to drive over to McKenna to cheer them on, and then Carmen caught up with them around Tenino. Mom and Dad were waiting at Schaefer Park with a bowl of watermelon.They did fantastic on their first day. But, having abused their bodies today for 100 miles in 85* heat, they will need your prayer tomorrow. Centralia to Portland is the second leg and final end to the race tomorrow. Do you all remember the last time you rode a bike with the "little" seat? Walking may be interesting come Monday, but the boy has chutzpah! Way to go brother! We are all proud of you! Maria will be waiting to pick the boy up in Portland and escort him home. I'm sure she will be a wonderful sight for him at the end of the race.

When Mom and Dad got home, they had a call from Mom's High School friend Nancy and Eddie Rhoades from Ephrata. Nancy's family were all celebrating Nancy's Mother's 88th B-Day and were in the area. Mom and Dad had them over for a visit this evening and they had a great time.

All in all the day was full and fun. She is tired, but happy.
There is a chance Seattle Cancer Care will have her back on Monday to have another infusion, but they haven't gotten the final word yet to know for sure.

We love you sweet Mom. Rest well and know that you are loved.


Friday, July 11, 2008

A "Staycation"

As gas prices have gone higher and higher, an increasing number of people are choosing to not travel for vacations, but stay home and enjoy local "staycations". Today was such a day for Mom.

Mom's good friend Linda Day came to pick Mom up and take her for her blood draw. Afterward they went back to Linda's home in Chehalis and visited outside with Linda's Mother in law, Em. They ate lunch outside and then spent the afternoon visiting out on the patio swing. Mom had such a great time, she said it was just like being on vacation, only in Chehalis. :)

This evening Dad joined them and Linda and Jim had them stay for dinner. They have had a great evening visiting and catching up with their long time friends. (I said "long time", NOT "old friends) :)

The results from Mom's blood test came back and her red and white blood cells are extremely low. They want her to start an antibiotic to try and give her a line of defense against any bugs. So now is the time to be extra diligent in washing hands and staying away from anyone that is ill.

The suprising thing is that with counts like that, you would expect her to be absolutely exhausted. Amazingly she felt pretty good all day. She tells me she did not fall asleep at all while visiting. After a good lunch, a swing and a beautiful day, I'm not sure I could have gotten through the day without a nap!

She is still dealing with mouth sores, but is able to eat and swallow with relatively little pain compared to her last round.

I am so grateful and thankful for every day that I speak with her and her voice is void of pain and exhaustion. We thank the Lord for every good thing He is granting.
The tough times of the first 3 months of this are not absent from our minds, but they make the present days all the more sweet. We give Him all the credit.

Thank you for all your continued calls, visits, cards and postings.
Being sick day in and day out for months at a time, either home or hospital bound, can seem never ending. Your contact and love are a soothing salve to Mom and Dad, and we as a family thank you.

With love and thanksgiving,
Kimberly and family

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Little Crane

So, I'll bet if you haven't lived in Toledo, Winlock or Vader WA you wouldn't know what that title was all about. Well, it's a train car in Vader WA that is a little cafe. More on that later.

Today Judy Panco took Mom to Toledo to see Ray and Ida Altringer. They are Mom's surrogate parents. Ida has been sick and in an assisted living facility, but is now home.Mom has been missing them so very much. She has not been able to see them in the last several months and her heart has been aching to go give then some hugs, kisses and enjoy some good conversation. Their daughter Lynn is with them as well so that was a real bonus for Mom to get to see her too. They all had a good visit. I know you read the blog Lynn, Ray and Ida. Mom loves you so very much. She had a sweet time with you.

After her time with Judy at Ray and Ida's, Judy took Mom to two of her friends homes to see them. They are in their late 80's and mid 90's and have been faithful in writing letters and sending cards of encouragement to Mom. Wouldn't ya know it they were both out today! She left notes on their doors and asked Judy is she was up for an adventure for lunch. Judy, not being one to turn down a challenge, headed out to Vader to the "Little Crane" for lunch. Mom said they had a great lunch and well, you just have experience this very little cafe and eat lunch sitting next to the train tracks to appreciate it. :)

Mom is still battling the mouth sores and is tired, but had more energy today than the last several days. She goes in for another blood draw so we will see how her white blood cells are coping.

Will keep you updated as the days go on, but for today, we are happy and thankful.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pluggin along.....

Not much to report today.
Mom has had a better day.
She had some nausea and was sick during the night and didn't sleep much.

Today has been better and she had less nausea. Still beyond tired, but in good spirits.

Thank you for keeping her in prayer.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday July 8, 2008

Not much to report and that is a good thing!

Mom is still super depleted of energy, but not nauseous today so that is a victory!

Aunt Edna and Aunt Soli came to be with Mom today and when I called this morning they were all napping so I woke them all up. Sorry again! This afternoon Edna took Soli to work and Mom for a blood draw. We will know the results tomorrow.

Tonight they feasted on halibut enchiladas that Judy Panco brought.
Thank you Judy. You are a sweet friend, and we love you!

I hope tomorrow is an even better report.
Thanks for your prayers on Mom's behalf!


Monday, July 7, 2008

Exhausting Monday

Hi everyone.
The effects are starting to hit Mom like a truck.
She is exhausted, a little nauseous, and her mouth is starting to get sore again.

This is what she expects as her white blood cells start to die. She is so very tired tonight. Dad picked up some new anti nausea meds tonight and they have helped somewhat. He also picked up some new mouth wash medicine and are hoping that it will start to kick in soon so her mouth does not get full blown mucusitis like last round.

It's just the start of the effects, but we continue to pray that it is over soon so she can enjoy some great days like before round three.

Judy Panco kept her company today and Carmen and (her son) Kale are there tonight.

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement to Mom and Dad.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hmm. I've felt better.

Mom and Dad drove back up to Seattle today for Mom's shot.
She is very tired and feeling the effects of the chemo. She is nauseous again and was given a anti nausea pill while there, but still not feeling too well.

Today she is sleepy and just not feeling as well as she had been.
If you think of it, please pray for her o have some luck with the meds, get some rest and sleep well tonight.

Love you,

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Picture with Dr. Hickman

Hi everyone,

This picture is late in coming.
Let's just say my computer and I disagree a lot about how things should go.
The reality is, I should have bought a Mac. SOME may think that it wouldn't make a difference, but it's what I tell myself to feel better about my challenges.

This is a picture of Dr. Hickman, Brittain,Mom and Dad, just before he took Mom in to redo her port.

I love it that I have a picture of him with Britt and Mom. Who would have ever thought he would be such a blessing to me twice? First, he helped relieve pain for our son, and 13 years later for my Mother. God is SO good. Hope you enjoy this picture. Doesn't Mom look cute in her hat? Dad bought that one for her when they ran away to the beach.

Love you,