Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Love is a strange and wonderful gift that the Lord has given to us. It makes suffering more intense, but also allows joy to overcome the pain. Love can cause people to do things that are hard to fathom for others, except to those that share in it.
Love causes a woman to enter a crowded room and within minutes, identify the person that needs a friend, kind word, something to eat, or is lonely and is compelled to go to that person and share with them out of what they have. Over the course of my life, I have witnessed my Mother do this time and time again. She feeds the hungry, gives clothes to those that are exposed, visit’s the sick, and speaks to those that most of us would rather walk past. Like light through a crystal refracting around the room, the light of Christ has shined through her in directions that perhaps even she is unaware of.
Love causes a woman to fight cancer for years, endure surgeries, take chemo and radiation, with grace, dignity, and style. All the while, she comforts those that come to visit her, and shares from what she has. She fights and persists with the power that can only come from the Lord, and gives thanks through all she has to deal with.
Love causes a woman who struggles for breath, to make sure that her grandson Cameron has had enough to eat today. To ask her husband if he would be more comfortable in a chair rather than kneeling over her bedside. To raise her hands to praise Jesus Christ (and require assistance from her daughter to hold her hands up) and give thanks for His goodness and mercy.
Love causes you to read this blog, to pray for Ladeva and Warren, to cry, and to celebrate her life and its impact on yours. To reply to this posting with a special memory that you have of Mom, a scripture to uplift her, or just a word of encouragement.
Love causes a child to protect his Mother, by asking that no more visitors come to the house and allow Dad to spent these sacred moments together. As we move through the hours ahead, our hearts are selfishly saddened, and also overjoyed because of the legacy that this beautiful woman has passed on to us all, including you.
“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
-1 Corinthians 13:13
God bless you today. We love you.


Anonymous said...

Ladeva: the ultimate good listener, has made each of us feel like a special friend.

Love, Mike and Liz

"We fall down, we lay our crowns,
At the feet of Jesus,
The greatness of, mercy and love,
At the feet of Jesus.
And we cry holy, holy, holy,
And we cry holy, holy, holy, is the Lamb."

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers to all of you. The strength and faith that you all have as a family is a very beautiful thing. When I saw you all today and felt the love surrounding you it choked me up. I tried very hard not to cry, I wanted to be strong for you all, I am sorry I couldn't do that. Carmen, your strength and sweet nature really touched my heart. The beautiful paintings were breathtaking! Thank you for sharing that with me. I am glad that I came and got to hug Aunt Diva and tell her I loved her. I love you all and am thinking of you every day. My heart is with you. God bless you all.
Love, Becky Dahlin

Anonymous said...

You would have to laugh at me right now...sitting here speechless.
As I read the blog, every memory of us returns.
I am so thankful for the time that we have had together.
I love you do so.
Cindy R.

Anonymous said...

PCLI family will be delivering food over the next few weeks. I will leave a cooler on your front step tonight with a note for people to place the food in the cooler. Love you ~ Michelle

sandy bauslaugh said...

Our hearts are breaking yet overjoyed with the love of Christ that Ladeva has shared with so many. Keep trusting, we love you.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Ladeva,
What a blessing it is to know you and share in your love and friendship. You have always been a naturally kind and thoughtful person, a joyous blessing to all that share in your world of love and laughter. You are truly someone whose warmth can make good days still better or give a bad day a new start. We love you and your beautiful family with all our heart. God Bless, Phil and Charlotte

Anonymous said...

Dear Duckie, Your family brings forth one sentence to me. " She ain't heavy, she's our mother." Forever friends Jeanzie

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all and praying for peace, strength and courage. Love, Debbie E.

API Aaron said...

Ladeva and family,

Our hearts and prayers are with you. We pray for blessings and peace.

Love in Christ, Aaron & Debbie Texeira

Anonymous said...

My heart is with you !! Olive Juice my Dear friend !! Cleo

Anonymous said...

Our friend. What a lovely tribute that was written in the blog.

The memories flood back on days gone by.

You are truly a friend of so many. Your spark,laughter,goodness,faithfulnes and so much you LOVE have for family and friends...

I love you , Debbie G.

Ruby Lord said...

LaDeva is one of the most special women I have ever known. The tribute paid to her by her family says it all and more. The love and compassion she has always shone truly has been passed to her children. My deepest prayers for Warren and family as you pass through this time. God bless you and keep you and look unto the hills from which cometh your help. God is there....Ruby L.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.


Anonymous said...

The Lord has given us all a special blessing in sharing love with Diva and her wonderful family and friends. When I first started seeing Diva as a friend a few years back, she said once you are my friend I will not let you go,,you will always be my friend. As with all her friends and family this has been such a gift to share part of her life. and love. Faith, love and selfless giving of herself have always been a beautiful testament that our Lord works through those who truly believe and live the life he has intended for us. He has shown us his love through Diva and her family and friends Our prayers and love are with you! Your forever friends Linda and Dale H..

Anonymous said...

The Lord has given us all a special blessing in sharing love with Diva and her wonderful family and friends. When I first started seeing Diva as a friend a few years back, she said once you are my friend I will not let you go,,you will always be my friend. As with all her friends and family this has been such a gift to share part of her life. and love. Faith, love and selfless giving of herself have always been a beautiful testament that our Lord works through those who truly believe and live the life he has intended for us. He has shown us his love through Diva and her family and friends Our prayers and love are with you! Your forever friends Linda and Dale H..

Nancy said...

Dear Ladeva,thank you for your friendship you have always been such a happy person always thinking of others first such a wonderful example God's faithful servant.I love you very much.May God bless & keep you in is loving arms.Warren & family I pray that God will give you strength & peace.Love you, Ed & Nancy

Steve said...

Don't know what to say, but to send some love from the Wohlds.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ladeva,
We marvel at your constant demonstration of strength, grace and compassion. You are a beautiful soul through and through. It is an honor to know and love you and your beautiful family. We send big giant hugs, loves, thoughts and prayers to you. XO Love & Peace, John, Tonya and Oliver Lance

Cathy Williams said...

Ladeva is a beacon of light in a darking world. The Lord has blessed us all by giving us a chance to get to know her in the physical world and by following her example we will be able to continue to carry that light and share the compassion, love, and caring spirit that she gave us with others. Although her physical body may be dying the spirit of her love and joy, and her passion for life and God will live on in each of us forever.
Much love to you Ladeva and to your incredible family.

Anonymous said...

My dear friend, I treasure the gift you've become to me. You have truly blessed my life and are still blessing it. Thank you for including us in your family so many times when we were so lonley for ours. Thank you for taking a few "wild rides" in the car. I always knew we could get into trouble together! Thank you for letting me be your babysitter and nurse--what a privilege(I got to spend more time with you)Most of all thank you for being an example of unwavering love for Jesus. I love you, my forever friend. Cindi C.

Anonymous said...

I did not have the privilege of knowing her, but Kimberly and Brian have touched my life in such a way that I know she was a tremendous mother. Kimberly led me once in the sweetest prayer time that anyone ever shared, at a time when I was going through a similar circumstance with my mother. I send my prayers and love to your family and for her husband, as I've witnessed my dad's grieving without my mother. We were so blessed to have such Godly mothers.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dahlin Family,

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this time. Ladeva was a very special part of our life. Even though we were apart for awhile, hardly a day went by where her loving spirit touched our life. We will always love her. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Karen and Jean

Deb P said...

You are so loved. Deb