Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Wed., August 31st - Finally Home
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 30th - Going home
Monday, August 29, 2011
Monday, August 29th
Sunday, August 28, 2011
August 28th, 2011
As with many things in life, the anticipation of an event is often greater than the event itself. For Mom, knowing that today the epidural would be capped off and then removed was providing some significant anxiety. Having conditioned her response to this anxiety to be prayer, Mom quietly prayed for the Holy Spirit to manifest Himself to her in a way to make the fear subside. The answer to this request was delivered subtlety, but was heard loud and clear. Mom’s nurse for the day came in to introduce herself, check Mom’s vitals and other routine duties. Mom felt better seeing the name CHRISTine on the white board. Next came in Mom’s PCT for the day, which is a very large but gentle man named EMMANUEL (meaning “God with us”). God is forever faithful to His people to quite their fears when they call upon His name.
Mom was out of bed for 2 ½ hours this morning, went for a little walk, sat in a chair, and ate some breakfast. It seems odd to mention such things as these as accomplishments, but when you have not been able to do any of these things for 26 days, it is cause for celebration. Dad received further treatment on administering the TPN if it is needed when they finally get home. Dad was patient, steady, thorough, and ready for action if required. We hope that with the food intake that Mom is currently on, that the TPN will not be required at home. Either way, home is the immediate goal, with TPN being a much smaller variable.
The days seem a bit of a roller coaster at times, as one minute or hour Mom feels a little better, and the next worse, but for the moment (3:00 pm) she is semi-comfortable and trying to eat some more.
At present, we are sitting here listing out our favorite scriptures and promises found in God’s Word. Mom and Dad have shared numerous scriptures that renew their strength and hope daily. It has been fun, especially once you get past the commonly used scriptures for circumstances like this. If I could request one thing more from all of you who are reading this blog, please post your favorite scripture or promise from the Bible for Mom and Dad to look up together and meditate upon. With Mom feeling a bit better, the hours tend to drag even more so and this would provide them with an activity as well as it will bless them with your favorite scriptures.
Thank you for your continued prayer, postings, cards, and labors of love,
Troy & Family
Saturday, August 27, 2011
A turn for the better....
Kimberly and family.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Friday, August 26th - Evening update
Painful day.
They transitioned mom to oral pain meds and took away the pain pump.
She is still on the epidural.
Mom has been in significant pain and having a tough day. They are going to try to give her some more pain meds but if it doesn't ease soon, Carmen will be asking for them to bring the pump back asap. Her pain level has hit 9 to 9 1/2 a few times. This makes it hard for her to get back on top of the pain.
Please pray for her pain to be relieved, comfort for her, Dad and Carmen.
Thank you,
Thursday, August 25, 2011
One day post op
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Out of surgery!
The two surgeons have been incredible. Mentally, when I picture a surgeon that handles these types of procedures, I picture an older gentleman that has had their sense of humor removed. Much to my surprise, both have been young, upbeat, and very compassionate men that speak with confidence and humility. Though this long visit has had many valleys along the way, the care from the Doctors and Nurses has been a gift from God's hand.
Thank you to all of you who are watching, praying, and expecting the victory along with us. We pray God's blessing back upon you, for blessing us with yours.
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, August 24th - Change of plans
Things have changed very quickly. Dr. Gore (Kidney surgeon) and Dr. Pillarisetty came in and let us know the CT scan showed a lot of growth in the tumor in her kidney that the ultrasound had not shown last week. The tumor has grown from the size of a golf ball to the size of a plum. Unfortunately, the tumor has grown into the main vein going from the legs up to the heart, creating a tumor clot. Surgery is required quickly, so Mama will not be going home today. Instead, she will be having surgery today about noon. This is a major surgery. It is called a Right Radical Nephrectomy, Inferior Venacava Thrombectomy. One of the greatest risks is blood loss. She will be sent to ICU after surgery for close observation and they expect her to be in the hospital at least another week. A lot is going on right now so I am not able to give much more of a report. I just wanted to get this onto the blog so the prayers can start bombarding heaven. Thank you in advance.
With love,
Carmen & Family
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Tuesday, August 23rd
Mama had a better day today. She made a little progress in eating. Not quite enough for them to remove the IV nutrition, but she made great strides. Her doctor, Dr. Pillarisetty, has a social worker organizing all the details for her to go home with home healthcare services for her IV. They expect to discharge her sometime tomorrow. She is so looking forward to being in her home, sleeping in her own bed and trying to eat foods she enjoys.
We had an amazing answer to prayer today. I just need to share how good our God is! The nurse told us a CT scan was ordered for Mama today and confirmed that her PIC line could be used for the contrast. This was the first time we heard about it. It had not been discussed in the early morning rounds. Shortly after finding this out, there was a nursing change. The new nurse came in with a quart of contrast for Mama to drink before the scan. To the nurse’s surprise, she found much resistance with Daddy and I. We explained that she can’t drink that much in a day, let alone in an hour. We asked her why the other nurse said it was to be done through her PIC line and now it is in a drink form. She was trying to follow orders and was trying to find a way of making it happen. She went to get a onetime extra dose of anti-nausea medication to see if it would help Mama get most of it down. Her plan was to give her an IV dose, wait 10 minutes and then have Mama start drinking. We were sick thinking about what it was going to do to her. It would be guaranteed violent vomiting. So we started praying over Mama. We asked the Lord to protect her. We asked Him to pour out wisdom and understanding on the doctors and nurses and to give them direction. If this contrast was not needed, we asked that He would keep her nurse from trying to force this contrast on her. And if it was truly needed, we asked that He would make a way for her to drink it without sickness. As soon as we got done praying, the nurse came in and was getting the IV meds ready. And in walked our answer to prayer! Dr. Pillarisetty came in for his rounds early today. We brought the contrast issue to his attention and He called off the liquid contrast. Somehow there was a mix up on the orders or how they were read. It was to be contrast through her PIC Line after all. The Lord sent him into Mama’s room just in the knick of time. We were so grateful for God’s protection and for sending the doctor on his rounds early today. All glory goes to our heavenly father.
Mama went for her CT scan this evening with no problems. The doctor had ordered the scan in preparation for her kidney procedure this next week. It is nice to have it all taken care of so she doesn’t have to make a special trip for it next week.
Thank you once again for keeping Mama in prayer. Prayers are being answered.
With love,
Carmen & family
Monday, August 22, 2011
Monday, August 22nd - Evening update
Dr. Pillarisetty came in this evening also. He thinks Mama could possibly go home tomorrow or Wednesday. Especially since we are able to do everything for her at home that they are doing for her here. However, because she has not been able to eat at least 1000 calories a day yet, she would have to go home with IV nutrition until she is able to daily get her calories and fluid intake up. They will be setting up a home health care service to help with that whole thing.
Daddy went home this afternoon to take care of a few things and hopefully get a good night's sleep tonight. We are so glad he finally took a little break to recharge his batteries. He will be back tomorrow.
The cards and blog notes keep coming in. I cannot tell you how much they all mean to Mama. Thank you for taking the time to let her know how much she is loved. You brought happy tears to her eyes. Thank for your continued prayers.
With love,
Carmen & family
Monday August 22, 2011
Some positives:
She held her food down and did not throw up.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday August 21,2011
She went outside again and sat looking at flowers and people watching. Dad is ever vigilant and often anticipates her needs before she does.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Friday August 19, 2011 Part II
Friday, August 19th
Mama had a rough morning and afternoon of being sick and not feeling well. It continues to be the same issues. Doctors ordered an x-ray to see if there is air/gas trapped inside. They said IF there is air trapped, then they could either put a tube down her nose or in her side to decompress the trapped air. IF a tube was to be put in, they thought it wouldn’t be until Monday. Of course, neither of those choices sounds like any fun. So far, we haven’t heard anything regarding the results of the x-ray.
She doesn’t have much of an appetite and not much success of keeping anything down, so we are disappointed her progress in eating made yesterday didn’t continue today. Later in the afternoon, Mama did feel good enough to go for a wheelchair ride outside to get some fresh air. This evening, she is doing a little better. Hopefully she is now turning a corner.
Through phone calls and prayer we have received encouragement today. We are watching for waiting for God’s hand of mercy on her body and know He is faithful. We know heaven has been bombarded by prayers on Mama’s behalf. Thank you so much for your continued prayers. We appreciate each and every one.
With love,
Carmen & family
Friday August 19,2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Thursday, August 18th
This morning started out well. We met with her surgeon. Even though Mama had passed out last night, he wasn’t worried about it. He agreed with the doctors last night and felt that her already fragile and weak body just got too overheated in the warm and steamy bathroom and the blood wasn’t circulating properly. He was encouraged to hear the Mama drank an 8oz Chai Tea this morning and had kept it down. In fact, over the last couple days the food has been able to be kept down. He encouraged her to try to eat at least 1,000 calories. If he is able to do it consistently, he would feel comfortable removing the TPA (IV nutrition). That became Mama’s goal today. She did so well. I am not sure if she reached the 1,000 calories, but if not, she would have been really close.
Late afternoon and this evening, Mama has been feeling pretty bad and in quite a bit of discomfort. We have a real sweet little nurse who has taken extra measures to make her more comfortable. She added an egg-crate pad to her bed as well as ordered pain patches for her aching back and sides. Mama is exhausted and has had a lot of interruptions to her rest from vitals being taken, meds given, etc. We have asked our nurse if there’s anyway her vitals and interruptions to her sleep could be minimized so that she can get some uninterrupted sleep. She will be working with the team of doctors to see what they can do. Daddy’s nerves are shot. After all, he is her protector and there is much he can do to make her more comfortable. Please pray for Daddy. This has been so hard on him.
Mama’s nutrition will only be going in for 12 hours now. It will be wonderful to get a break for the IV pole tomorrow. She is trying to take in more fluids so that the transition to home is an easier one. We are hopeful for a better day tomorrow. However, we are thankful for the progress in Mama’s eating today. It is one step closer to feeling better.
With love and appreciation,
Carmen & family