Thank you for all your prayers. We are feeling them and seeing them answered before our eyes. Today has went remarkably well. I'd like to share our blessings big and small.
First of all, we had an easy drive all the way to Seattle. No hold ups, no problems...just smooth sailing.
Even though this next blessing may seem small, it was big to us. God gave us a parking place near the elevator at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. With Daddy not being able to be with us, we couldn't be dropped off at the front and picked up again. (Forever the mom, she refused to let me park the car in the parking garage alone.) Mama's energy level is very low today, so this was a huge blessing.
Our last trip to SCCA, the person trying to access her port had ran into problems and had to ask for help from one of their several people which have lots of experience accessing the type of port Mama has. Unfortunately we didn't get her name to request her for today. As Mama & I were discussing how to request an "expert" without knowing a name, out walks the same gal that accessed her last time. Mama was able to talk with her and permission was given to be scheduled with her. Both sides of the port were accessed the FIRST time! That just doesn't happen for Mama! What a HUGE blessing and answer to prayer.
We normally have a long wait to see the doctors. However, this time, it was relatively short. They were pleased with the progress of her leg's healing.
SCCA worked Mama's CT Scan in to their schedule for an earlier time, so we were out of there about 2-3 hours earlier than expected. We didn't get the official reading of the scan, but they thought it looked good.
When we got her admitted to UW Medical Center, we found that one of our favorite nurses had signed up to have Mama. Jennifer, knowing Mama's schedule, had already anticipated her needs and had things ordered and ready.
Cots at UW are not always available, but this time we got one right away. It's so much better than the old chairs that make out into a bed. I use the word "bed" loosely. It will make the five night stay so much easier.
We are so thankful for this day of blessings. We got to UW Medical Center about 3pm and was settled in to by about 3:30pm. Mama didn't get any sleep last night so she was able to climb into bed and get several hours of sleep. Her energy level has come up with that little bit of sleep. Chemo will be started at 9:00 this evening. They expect her to be going home on Sunday and will be scheduling her Neulasta shot the following day closer to home again. Thank you Lord! To God be the glory.
With love,
Carmen and family
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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Thank you sis for being with Mom today.
I know these days are long, long, long.
I love you. Give Mom a hug and kiss for me. See you both tomorrow.
Ladeva, our prayers and thoughts are with you every step of the way. I stand amazed at the love and mercy of our Lord and Saviour. I had the experience of seeing Jerry Clark this past weekend.(an old friend from Onalaska) He went through cancer several years ago and eventually a bone marrow transplant. It was a joy to listen to the testimony of his wife when she cried out to God about what can I do for Jerry to live. She said the answer from God was so strong it was almost audible "It's not what you can do but what I can do". She said she nearly had to pull to the side of the road just to praise the Lord. Just as with you, Jerry went through a lot, but God walked with him every step of the way. Testimonies like that are an encouragement for us to know that God is still on HIS THRONE AND SEES US AND HEARS US AND ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS.
We love you and I look forward to the day I can sit and have a cup of tea or coffee with you.
Ed and Ruby
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