Sunday, January 25, 2009

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

It's done. Mom and Dad should be on their way home from Seattle as I am writing this.
The long and horrible road of chemotherapy is finally over and she has fought so hard during these last 6 treatments. But God is so good and so faithful to bring comfort, love, rest, peace and priceless friends and family to love on them.

Mom is completely wiped out. She is having a difficult time walking just a few feet before being completely replete of all energy. She is SO looking forward to her own shower and her own bed.
(As is Dad)

The next 10-14 days are long ones and full of feeling so weak that she can sometimes barely lift her arms to take a drink of tea. It will get better, it's just part of the aftermath of being, well, poisoned.

Please pray for them to be able to relax at home, sleep well, and recuperate with no nausea, mouth sores, or pain.

We again want to thank you for your love and support. It has made an unbearable journey full of blessings and unexpected treasures in you, their friends and family.

May God bless you for your kind words, cards of encouragement, calls, meals, Mommasitting, and your presence that brings joy and peace in times of trouble.

Over and over Mom has said she has the best friends in the world. She is right. You are all a blessing not just to Mom and Dad, but to us; her kids and grandkids as well.

We are forever grateful.

In His Love,
Kimberly and family

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday - Last night of chemo

Yesterday Kim was up with Mama and Daddy. I so appreciate her. She takes such good care of both Mama and Daddy and is so patient with me calling in for updates. Our precious friends, Greg and Lucia, were also up to visit in the hospital yesterday. They brought a special blessing from our church family. It was a sweet surprise for my parents. Greg, Lucia and our whole church family have been so supportive. There are not enough words to express our gratitude. We love you guys!

Mama will be finishing her last round of chemo late tonight. Followed by an 8 hour IV flush. So this means she will be coming home tomorrow. Her headache is gone, but is having some bouts with nausea. They are trying to stay on top of the anti-nausea medications to keep it under control. Troy, Maria and the kids were up visiting today. Mama is really weak and tired, so she had to take a few naps while they were there. But she said the little ones were very well behaved while being couped up in her room for so long. Those babies are good medicine any ole day and they helped to lift to her spirits.

Monday, Daddy will take Mama to Lacey to get her Neulasta shot and then she will be able to rest at home and start her road to recovery. Her immune system has took quite the hit, so it will be a little while before she will start regaining her strength.

Thank you to everyone who has faithfully prayed for Mama during this last dreaded chemo. We appreciate each prayer. Thank you also for your calls, blog postings and cards of encouragement. We are so blessed to have you in our lives.

With love,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A new hairdo.

Well it's Thursday morning and I thought I would just update you on Mom's last few days.
She came up on Tuesday and was having some difficulty with her hair falling out from the last round of chemo. Her hair had grown out to about 1 1/2" all over and had come back in dark and wavy.

It was really frustrating for her though as it was starting to rapidly fall out and she was getting hair all over her clothes and hats. One of the things that happens is that as the hair comes out the scalp becomes very tender. When she would lay her head back on the pillow it would be very tender and uncomfortable from the hair that is still there and it feels like it's poking her tender scalp.

Yesterday Mom had a sweet nurse named Lea. She is a breast cancer survivor and has been through chemo and hair loss. She was really sweet and understanding and offered to shave Mom's hair for her. Even though it is sad to lose her hair, she felt so much better to lay her head back on her pillow and be able to relax without discomfort.

Last night was a complete joke as far as sleeping is concerned. From the pumps screaming all night, new meds coming at midnight, 1:00 am, 4:30 and numerous other interruptions she got sporadic, light sleep. I'm hoping she can catch some sleep today.

We are grateful however that she does not have any uncontrolled nausea and is just battling a persistent headache.

Will keep you updated as we continue the countdown to discharge.

Much love and gratitude,
Kimberly and family

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Abundant Blessings

Thank you for all your prayers. We are feeling them and seeing them answered before our eyes. Today has went remarkably well. I'd like to share our blessings big and small.

First of all, we had an easy drive all the way to Seattle. No hold ups, no problems...just smooth sailing.

Even though this next blessing may seem small, it was big to us. God gave us a parking place near the elevator at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. With Daddy not being able to be with us, we couldn't be dropped off at the front and picked up again. (Forever the mom, she refused to let me park the car in the parking garage alone.) Mama's energy level is very low today, so this was a huge blessing.

Our last trip to SCCA, the person trying to access her port had ran into problems and had to ask for help from one of their several people which have lots of experience accessing the type of port Mama has. Unfortunately we didn't get her name to request her for today. As Mama & I were discussing how to request an "expert" without knowing a name, out walks the same gal that accessed her last time. Mama was able to talk with her and permission was given to be scheduled with her. Both sides of the port were accessed the FIRST time! That just doesn't happen for Mama! What a HUGE blessing and answer to prayer.

We normally have a long wait to see the doctors. However, this time, it was relatively short. They were pleased with the progress of her leg's healing.

SCCA worked Mama's CT Scan in to their schedule for an earlier time, so we were out of there about 2-3 hours earlier than expected. We didn't get the official reading of the scan, but they thought it looked good.

When we got her admitted to UW Medical Center, we found that one of our favorite nurses had signed up to have Mama. Jennifer, knowing Mama's schedule, had already anticipated her needs and had things ordered and ready.

Cots at UW are not always available, but this time we got one right away. It's so much better than the old chairs that make out into a bed. I use the word "bed" loosely. It will make the five night stay so much easier.

We are so thankful for this day of blessings. We got to UW Medical Center about 3pm and was settled in to by about 3:30pm. Mama didn't get any sleep last night so she was able to climb into bed and get several hours of sleep. Her energy level has come up with that little bit of sleep. Chemo will be started at 9:00 this evening. They expect her to be going home on Sunday and will be scheduling her Neulasta shot the following day closer to home again. Thank you Lord! To God be the glory.

With love,
Carmen and family

The sixth and final round.

Today, inauguration day, is Mom's last day to be admitted for her 6th and final round of chemotherapy.

She starts at 9:00 am at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance to have her port accessed and blood drawn, then drives to UWMC to be admitted for the next 5-6 days.

We welcome your prayers and calls. It doesn't matter how many times she goes through this, it is still a scary thing to have poison pumped into your veins and know what will come next. She is however, brave and determined and loved by so many. She will be counting the days down and relying on the Lord as she has every other day of her life to get her through it.

We thank you for you love and support and count ourselves blessed to have you walk through this with Mom, Dad and our family.

With love,
Kimberly and family

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sat., January 17th

Mama has been feeling pretty good, but gets tired very easily. Today was a fun day. We had a big family get-together with Mom's side of the family. We had a great time visiting with everyone. It was nice to see Mama enjoying herself visiting. However, I'm sure she is exhausted tonight.

Tuesday, we will be heading back to Seattle. Mama will be starting her final round of chemo. This time they plan to give her both kinds of chemos, so she will be in the hospital until Sunday or Monday. Hopefully the reduction in the dosage will make a difference in her not getting as sick and less mouth and throat sores. Since plans seem to be forever changing, I will give an update once we get settled in and know more.

We covet your prayers during this last round of chemo. I know she will be so thankful to get this behind her. Thank you for your continued love, support and prayers.

With love,
Carmen and family

Friday, January 2, 2009

Headlights heading south!

It's 10PM on Friday and Mom, Dad and Carmen are about 30 minutes from home!!

They left UWMC about 8:30 After finishing up and getting her port de-accessed.

She gets her shot tomorrow in Lacey, NOT Seattle!!

We are so grateful that the man giving her the shot is coming in on his day off to administer it for her tomorrow at 11:00. Thank you all for praying for her in these last 4 days! You are each one a blessing to us.

Mom is exhausted. The chemo just zaps her energy so we expect she will take numerous naps in the next weeks to come.

So grateful for you prayer and support.
Kimberly and family

Some test results are in.........

First of all I apologize for this taking so long to update.

Here's the latest on Mom.

As you know, there was a lot of concern over Mom's low potassium levels and concern that one of the chemo drugs was responsible for kidney damage. The nephrology team came to see Mom yesterday and run some tests, took a thorough history and a physical exam. She also had a full body bone scan for pain in her right shoulder. This round, she did not receive the chemo drug that would be the culprit. If all the tests come back showing no kidney damage, she will have both of the chemo drugs at her next infusion in 3 weeks.

Since sarcoma is typically found in the extremeties and trunk it was making Mom a little nervous that she had this persistent pain in her right shoulder. The bone scan was a blessing as it showed no tumor or cancer in her bones, but it did reveal two degenerative discs in Mom's lower back that were causing her some pain. She had thought that her back was out of place and that she just needed an adjustment. Now we know the rest of the story. The pain in her shoulder is assumed to be "over use" while she is using it to help her stand due to the "bum right leg". She still has a tender leg that doesn't want to bend too much so she pushes up with her right arm a lot. She will have physical therapy on it when she feels better.

The nephrology team will be doing an ultrasound to finally rule out kidney damage, but her potassium levels need to go up just a tad for them to do it tomorrow.

The last chemo bag was hung at around 9PM Thursday night and should be done around 9 PM Friday night. They will be discharged after that. An area we would like prayer for is in getting her immune boosting injection. They will not give it to her at the hospital and insurance says it has to be the next day after discharge. So, the best case scenario woud be that mom gets to go home and get the shot in Lewis County at the Cancer treatment center there. If she can't, she will have to arrive home after midnight and then return to Seattle the next day just for a quick injection.

The chemo is really kicking in so she is feeling super exhausted and food is tasting horrible again. Other than that, the nausea is not full force just yet and she is just really anxious to be home again.

Thank you for calling, emailing, posting corresponding and mostly, praying.

With love and appreciation,
Kimberly and family