Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday July 31, 2008

I spoke with Mom tonight for an update on how she's feeling.
She had a blood draw today to check her white and red blood cells.
She heard from her Oncology nurse today and she needs to go back up to Seattle in the morning to get 2 units of blood. She is super fatigued, but no longer dreads the transfusions as she always ends up feeling better afterwards.

Dad is such a trooper. He is a tireless chauffeur and he sits with her for hour after endless boring hour and is happy to do it. Tomorrow they will be making the trek alone as none of us kids can make it, but with Mom able to walk again it is not as critical as before. Thank you Dad for loving our Mom so very well.

Aunt Soli stayed the night last night and hung out with Mom this morning while Dad was gone. Later, Aunt Edna came and she was the one to take Mom for the blood draw.
Thank you Aunties. We love and appreciate you!

I wanted to give you an update on Mathew, my cousin. He is finally out of the hospital. He got the chest tube removed and is staying with Dayla and Brett recovering. We love you Mathew! I am glad you are doing better and we will continue to pray for complete healing.

Love to you all,
Kimberly and family

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two busy days.

Tuesday Mom and Dad had to travel back up to Seattle for a 5 minute appointment to get her shot. It was a long drive up and back but the shot is an immunity booster, so super important.

When she got home, her good friend Debbie Grose came to stay and visit with her in the afternoon. Debbie and Mom worked together at PCLI and Debbie is also a Co-Chair of Mom's benefit. They had a great afternoon together. Later, Mom's brother Dean came and then Aunt Elaine was able to come after work and they had dinner together and visited. They had a nice time and got to catch up with each other.

Today Maria came and brought the kids to see Mom. They made marshmellow popcorn balls and Mom had a great day watching them play and spending time with Maria.

Carmen was there with them tonight after work and they were having a nice relaxing evening.

A few things you could pray for would be her mouth sores which are back,her fatigue, and a newer symptom which is her fingernails are now peeling off and very tender and sore.

Thank you for your prayers.


Monday, July 28, 2008

She's OUTTA ' THERE!!!

Mom and Dad hit the road for home about noon.
They only gave her 8 hours of post hydration today so that cut their time off by 4 hours. The other thing that got them out was they asked the Dr.'s to write for all her post chemo RX's yesterday, so they were ready. Usually that's a hold up as well.

Mom is extremely fatigued, and was really battling a lot of nausea this morning. But, just before they de-acccessed her port,they gave her some anti nausea med right through the port instead of through an i.v. She said it really got the nausea under control quickly and she was so relieved to get in the car to ride home not feeling lousy.

She has to go back up to Seattle tomorrow for the nuelasta shot as it didn't work out to get care established in Centralia or Lacey before now.
They have all her info and records now, so she will see an Oncology Dr. in Centralia on August 7th and hopefully and future things like shots and radiation will be done closer to home.

Mom has a great case manager that coordinates and gets approval for things she needs and we are grateful to her for her work on making this happen.....eventually. :)

For now, she is back in Lewis County. Thank you for praying for her and Dad through round 4!!! She did it! God was faithful in giving her everything she needed to get through. Thank you again for your prayers and encouragement. It makes such a difference to her and means so much to all of us.

With much love,

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Sabath, a day of rest.

I just spoke with Carmen.
Today has been another very sleepy day for Mom.
The more chemo she gets the sleepier she becomes and she is now on day four.

She slept most of the day and woke around 4:00. The three of them are watching a movie hoping the day will go by faster. She is on the downhill slope of this stay,so just counting the hours until dismissal.
She will be very fatigued for at least a week after getting home and will then deal with the side effects that inevitably come. We would ask that you continue to pray for her stamina and protection as her white and red blood cells plummet.

With love,

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Too many cooks in the kitchen!

Mom's i.v. meds come in a few colors. A very vibrant deep blue, for her methylene blue, and one of her chemo meds is a bright deep orange color.

So, when Troy and Maria got there with Sadie(4) and Nate (2), her methylene blue was almost done. Sadie looked at the bags and said "Grandma, what flavors do you have?"
Then, ever diligent, she noticed the "blue" med was almost empty and told Mom she better have the Dr. get her some more because she was almost out. It does look crazy that all those "flavors" are going in.

Mom said Maria had brought them lunch, or "people food", and so they didn't have to dine in the cafeteria for lunch. The nurse had brought the kids some Popsicles and Sadie and Troy were doing a puzzle together. Mom was so content to have them around her and happy to be able to enjoy them. Thanks for the grub Sis! We love ya!

They are precious. She's staying awake today and enjoying the kids, Troy and Maria.

If I could ask you to all pray for Matt Foster, I would appreciate it. Matt is Dayla Foster's 22 year old son.( Dayla is Mom and Dad's Niece, so I guess that makes Matt their great nephew?) Anyhow, he has been working hard on advertising for Mom's benefit, but is in the hospital with a collapsed lung and a chest tube. He's in pain and not able to hold food down. He is expected to stay in the hospital with the tube until in the least, Wednesday. We would appreciate your prayers for him. This is the second time this has happened to him and he may need more procedures in the future to help prevent it.

As always, thank you for your prayer and love,

Sleepng Beauty

I just spoke with Mom, Friday and today are sleepy days.
Thursday night she was up every hour and so she slept most of the day yesterday.
She was up every hour again last night, so at 11:00 this morning she was sleeping again when I called.

She is having a response to the meds this time that is causing her to be really tired. It frustrates her a bit, but we are thankful it is this side effect and not the nausea, confusion and pain of round one and two. In round 3, she had experienced almost three weeks of feeling good before the chemo. This time she was back in after only about a week of feeling better. I think we just can't have expectations that they will be one way or the other. They are what they are, and we will just pray her through them. Mom says Dad slept well last night and he is making it through the boredom. :)

Troy, Maria, Sadie and Nate are coming to see Grandma and Grandpa today, so Mom is wanting to get the napping out of the way so she can stay awake for the kids.

On an unrelated note, we had the benefit meeting last night.
It went well and we again want to thank everyone who attended and are helping.
Stephanie Floth and Debbie Grose are doing an amazing job, as well as Dayla Foster, Matt Foster and Deb Parnham. We as a family are so blessed by your labor of love in service and support to Mom and Dad.

Many of you have asked what the needs are to this point and honestly this is the best form of communication I have, so I will share it here if you would indulge me.
It looks like donations of procurement items are still a big need. We were told these usually get done over a 9 month period. This is being attacked in a 3+ month period. We heard of some of the donations last night. Some from businesses and services, while others are offering donations, and "theme" baskets, gift certificates and catered dinners, to free consultations and more. If you know of anyone who may know Mom and Dad or be able to donate something, would you consider mentioning this benefit to them? They can log onto the blog and click on the link to the right of the posts at the bottom that says "Email Carmen about the benefit".
She is forwarding all information to the appropriate Team Leader in each category.

We also have a huge need for non refrigerated desserts to be donated for the benefit. Pies, cakes etc. The health department won't allow any refrigerated items such as cheesecake and pudding pies etc. If you are able to help in this area at all, again please email Carmen at the link to the right of the blog and Carmen will forward it to the Team Leader in charge of desserts. This will help her track what we have and what may be coming in.

The benefit is scheduled for September 13 and our next meeting is Friday August 22nd at 7:00pm.

We appreciate you and thank you for your love and support of Mom and Dad.

With love,

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Healing quilt.

Yesterday was a good day.
When I got there Mom was reading a book, Dad was reading a magazine. The first question ai ask when I get there is "Who is your nurese today"? Mom had Jennifer. Mom has had Jenn every time she has been on the 6th floor because Jennifer always requests her. It's nice to see a familiar face each time,and in round 4 there are many. She is a sweet lady and it added another blessing to the day.

We ate a picnic lunch and went outside to sit on the patio for several hours. Then we went upstairs for some med additions to her iv pole and then back outside for several hours. It sure makes the day go by nicer when you can sit outside and pretend you aren't really at the hospital with four walls around you 24/7.

We had a late picnic dinner and I took some pictures of Mom with her "healing quilt" on her. For some of you that don't know about the healing quilt, it is a quilt Aunt Donna had finished by a friend of hers. It was just a quilt top that Mom's mother had made 46 years ago. It had floated from one family member to the next. Each had an intention of getting something done with it, but a few were told it was too old and it really couldn't be bound and made into a quilt. Aunt Donna's friend surprised her and did finish it. She hand stitched everything on it to match the quilt top. Donna received it back on Valentines Day of this year. She said she didn't feel like she should keep it to herself and so asked the Lord to tell her what to do with it.She felt the Lord tell her that it should be a "healing quilt". A quilt that went to the sibling that needed it the most at the time,and was sick. Just as their Mom had covered them in love and prayer, the quilt would be a symbol of the same love being covered over each person that needed it. So, I have taken a picture of that quilt to share with you.

I took this picture last night before I left,and Mom has it over her whenever she is in bed. Thank you Aunt Donna for sharing it.

Mom's afternoon/night nurse is a HUGE quilt enthusiast. She went to the National quilting Expose in ?Kentucky or Tennessee this year. She wanted to hear all about it.She loved the quilt and the story behind it. It was fun to share about the family history and Mom's brothers and sisters.

I won't be there today. Mom is doing so well and tonight is the next benefit meeting in Centralia. (Shameless pug here: ALL ARE WELCOME!)

Thanks again for the posts and calls and cards. They keep them going. She has her computer and reads the blog daily.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Round 4!

Hi everyone.
I have spoken with Mom and they are admitted and settling in at the hospital.

They had an appointment at 3:00 to have her port accessed and a blood draw. I am sorry to say that accessing her port hurt again, although not like before the replacement.
They used a local anesthetic, but ultimately she still needed a narcotic to ease the discomfort.

They met with Dr. Rodler, her Oncologist and her PA and then they had dinner and reported to UWMC.

They are on the 6th floor SE in room 6334.
Chemo will not start for many hours as she has to have a flush of her system first and it takes the pharmacy HOURS to get the meds mixed.

Over all, things went as expected and they are doing well.
I will be going up in the morning to spend the day/evening with them and take "people" food to them. :)

Thanks for the prayers as they begin this next chapter. I hope it's a quick read this time.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A full day of friends

Sunday night Mom's little sister Donna arrived from Southern Oregon to spend a few nights catching up and visiting.

Today, Aunt Edna joined them and a girl from Mom and Dad's church that is also battling cancer.

They head up to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance in the morning to get her port accessed and a blood draw, then drive up to UWMC to be admitted and wait all day for the chemo meds to be mixed and she will receive the pre-hydration to help prepare her body to receive the chemo.

Please pray for energy and strength to come through round four even better than round three. I know God will go before them and give them everything they need to make it through the next 5-6 days. Your prayer and support mean the world to them.

Thank you for all your love and support you continually show Mom , Dad and our family. We are truly blessed.

With love,

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hi there from blazin' hot Leavenworth!

Today is a scorcher(for us that is)coming in at 98*. ( No laughter from Texas, Colorado Springs, etc)
We had a great day again today. Mom is sleeping ok, getting rest and having fun.

After breakfast we went back downtown to do a little shopping before it got too hot.
Cards, fudge and a nice cold Jones cola and we were all happy!

Yesterday Brian took Mom, Dad and Carmen into Cashmere to Apple Annies Antique store.
They had a great time. Brian was thrilled to have someone who would go with him with a good heart. I was happy to take the kids to the pool,so it was a win/win.

We all head home in the morning so Mom will have a day to prepare and pack before she and Dad go back to Seattle for 6 days.

Thank you all again for keeping up on her progress.

Hope your weekend was blessed and full of fun!

Kimberly and family

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lovin Leavenworth!

Hi everybody,
Today is Saturday and Mom, Dad and Carmen have joined us in Leavenworth for some great fun, barbecuing and relaxation.

They came over yesterday and we have already had a great time with beautiful weather and scenery.

Thursday, Mom had another blood draw and the nurse called her to say that her platelets were coming up and she was good to go for traveling across the pass.

She has felt pretty good while here and is taking things easy hanging out with family, while still managing to get in some shopping. We are watching movies, watching the kids swim and just enjoying being together.

She has learned that she returns on Wednesday to Seattle to start round 4 of her chemo treatment. Please pray that it will go as last time or even better!

Hope you are all enjoying the week from wherever you are.

Love to all,
Kimberly and family

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy birth-Day's.....

I don't have a lot to report today.
I spoke with Mom briefly as she had a house full of family.
They were celebrating Aunt Edna and I believe, Aunt Soli's birthdays today.
(please forgive me Aunties if I messed this up and it wasn't one of your birthdays, or I forgot someone. But it WAS quite loud in the background when I was talking to Mom, so I know you were all having a great time together.)

She said she felt great and that she was havig a fun day with her brothers, sisters and spouses, as well and Don and Barb Richardson.(cousins) Man, I am having a great time in Leavenworth with our family, but I was really wishing I was there to catch up with so many of you who were there. It sounded like a lot of fun was going on! Woo Hoo!

Things seem to be well for Mom and I think she will get another blood test tomorrow so we will see how the numbers look.

Love to you all!

Kimberly and family

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Oh "Positive " Day!

Ok, sorry about the pun, but after speaking with Dad today while at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA), our conversation was riddled with positive comments. Yes, Mom's blood type is "O positive".

Wow! Ask and you shall receive! Thank you to the two answers on the blog regarding typing and crossing the blood each and every time they give Mom a transfusion. Those answers were so thorough and informative. I appreciated it so much and I know many of us reading it got an education. I appreciate "annonymous's answer and your complete explanation as well Jonathan.

I spoke with Dad just a few minutes before 6:00 PM and they were still there. They had arrived around 10:00 AM and left and came back for the transfusion around 2:30 ish. They had finished the transfusion and she was just getting a hydration flush behind it. It had been a long day, but Mom was doing well. Sometimes she has a reaction after the transfusions, like spiking a fever etc. but so far, not so!

They were leaving there and going to get dinner on the way home so it will be a late night getting home. Dad said she felt so good she was suprised she even needed the blood.

Brian and I are in Leavenworth with the kids and Brian's parents for a few days enjoying some time with Glynn and Jane. I will be talking with Mom and Dad and updating you from here throughout the week.

Again, thank you to all of you who wrote on the blog. What a blessing this has been for so many, not the least of which is Mom, Dad and our family.

With much love,

Monday, July 14, 2008

Infuse and replenish

So the word for the day is "transfusion".

Mom had another blood draw today and the verdict is she needs more blood.

They want her up in Seattle at 10:00 AM for a "type and cross" of her blood, then she can leave and they put her blood through a special wash before they infuse it. She has to leave and go kill time before returning at 1:00 PM to get the transfusions.She will receive two units of blood tomorrow so it will be an all day event.

Now, I do know that Mom has gotten numerous blood transfusions, but for the life of me I can't figure out why she would need it type/crossed again.
Does anyone out there have an answer? I know that she has received a lot of blood that is (obviously)her type and it has all been through a special washing, but could it alter the blood type in any way that it would change it? I can't imagine that it would, but I thought I would check to see if anyone else had a decent answer.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday July 13, 2008

Mom is having another good day even though she is still exhausted.
She will hear tomorrow what Seattle Cancer Care wants in regards to her coming up for hydration. This has often really helped Mom to feel better and have more energy, so it would not surprise me if she isn't heading North tomorrow.

In other news, Troy, Jonathan and R.W. finished the race in Portland today, with no wipe outs and standing /riding upright. Way to go guys! That is a HUGE accomplishment. We are really proud of you. I hope the sunscreen held up and no one got any bad sunburns. That was a grueling race and over two very hot days!

I just want to thank you all of you who faithfully check the blog to know how to specificaly pray for Mom. You are such a blessing to us day in and day out.

I personally want to thank someone from our church that reads the blog. Thank you so very much for the card. It meant a lot and I was humbled by your words and love expressed there.

Will update you tomorrow on what unfolds with Seattle Cancer Care.
Hope you all had a beautiful weekend.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tired, yet sweet Saturday!

Mom's blood counts are still very low and today she felt it more so than yesterday.
I would equate it to something like being anemic, but probably at a greater level.

For those of you who know Mom well, you know she doesn't like to sit around and not be "productive" day in and day out. This is tough for her, but there are things she can't control or change, so she is learning to adapt a little at a time.

Today her good friend Stephanie Floth (She is heading up the benefit for Mom) and her daughter Alexis came and cleaned at Mom and Dad's. Mom said it was such a blessing and lifted her spirits so very much. Thank you Stephanie and Alexis for your labor of love on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. You gave her such a lift!

Troy participated in the Seattle to Portland bike race today with his friends Jonathan and R.W. Brian and Paris and I got to drive over to McKenna to cheer them on, and then Carmen caught up with them around Tenino. Mom and Dad were waiting at Schaefer Park with a bowl of watermelon.They did fantastic on their first day. But, having abused their bodies today for 100 miles in 85* heat, they will need your prayer tomorrow. Centralia to Portland is the second leg and final end to the race tomorrow. Do you all remember the last time you rode a bike with the "little" seat? Walking may be interesting come Monday, but the boy has chutzpah! Way to go brother! We are all proud of you! Maria will be waiting to pick the boy up in Portland and escort him home. I'm sure she will be a wonderful sight for him at the end of the race.

When Mom and Dad got home, they had a call from Mom's High School friend Nancy and Eddie Rhoades from Ephrata. Nancy's family were all celebrating Nancy's Mother's 88th B-Day and were in the area. Mom and Dad had them over for a visit this evening and they had a great time.

All in all the day was full and fun. She is tired, but happy.
There is a chance Seattle Cancer Care will have her back on Monday to have another infusion, but they haven't gotten the final word yet to know for sure.

We love you sweet Mom. Rest well and know that you are loved.


Friday, July 11, 2008

A "Staycation"

As gas prices have gone higher and higher, an increasing number of people are choosing to not travel for vacations, but stay home and enjoy local "staycations". Today was such a day for Mom.

Mom's good friend Linda Day came to pick Mom up and take her for her blood draw. Afterward they went back to Linda's home in Chehalis and visited outside with Linda's Mother in law, Em. They ate lunch outside and then spent the afternoon visiting out on the patio swing. Mom had such a great time, she said it was just like being on vacation, only in Chehalis. :)

This evening Dad joined them and Linda and Jim had them stay for dinner. They have had a great evening visiting and catching up with their long time friends. (I said "long time", NOT "old friends) :)

The results from Mom's blood test came back and her red and white blood cells are extremely low. They want her to start an antibiotic to try and give her a line of defense against any bugs. So now is the time to be extra diligent in washing hands and staying away from anyone that is ill.

The suprising thing is that with counts like that, you would expect her to be absolutely exhausted. Amazingly she felt pretty good all day. She tells me she did not fall asleep at all while visiting. After a good lunch, a swing and a beautiful day, I'm not sure I could have gotten through the day without a nap!

She is still dealing with mouth sores, but is able to eat and swallow with relatively little pain compared to her last round.

I am so grateful and thankful for every day that I speak with her and her voice is void of pain and exhaustion. We thank the Lord for every good thing He is granting.
The tough times of the first 3 months of this are not absent from our minds, but they make the present days all the more sweet. We give Him all the credit.

Thank you for all your continued calls, visits, cards and postings.
Being sick day in and day out for months at a time, either home or hospital bound, can seem never ending. Your contact and love are a soothing salve to Mom and Dad, and we as a family thank you.

With love and thanksgiving,
Kimberly and family

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Little Crane

So, I'll bet if you haven't lived in Toledo, Winlock or Vader WA you wouldn't know what that title was all about. Well, it's a train car in Vader WA that is a little cafe. More on that later.

Today Judy Panco took Mom to Toledo to see Ray and Ida Altringer. They are Mom's surrogate parents. Ida has been sick and in an assisted living facility, but is now home.Mom has been missing them so very much. She has not been able to see them in the last several months and her heart has been aching to go give then some hugs, kisses and enjoy some good conversation. Their daughter Lynn is with them as well so that was a real bonus for Mom to get to see her too. They all had a good visit. I know you read the blog Lynn, Ray and Ida. Mom loves you so very much. She had a sweet time with you.

After her time with Judy at Ray and Ida's, Judy took Mom to two of her friends homes to see them. They are in their late 80's and mid 90's and have been faithful in writing letters and sending cards of encouragement to Mom. Wouldn't ya know it they were both out today! She left notes on their doors and asked Judy is she was up for an adventure for lunch. Judy, not being one to turn down a challenge, headed out to Vader to the "Little Crane" for lunch. Mom said they had a great lunch and well, you just have experience this very little cafe and eat lunch sitting next to the train tracks to appreciate it. :)

Mom is still battling the mouth sores and is tired, but had more energy today than the last several days. She goes in for another blood draw so we will see how her white blood cells are coping.

Will keep you updated as the days go on, but for today, we are happy and thankful.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pluggin along.....

Not much to report today.
Mom has had a better day.
She had some nausea and was sick during the night and didn't sleep much.

Today has been better and she had less nausea. Still beyond tired, but in good spirits.

Thank you for keeping her in prayer.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday July 8, 2008

Not much to report and that is a good thing!

Mom is still super depleted of energy, but not nauseous today so that is a victory!

Aunt Edna and Aunt Soli came to be with Mom today and when I called this morning they were all napping so I woke them all up. Sorry again! This afternoon Edna took Soli to work and Mom for a blood draw. We will know the results tomorrow.

Tonight they feasted on halibut enchiladas that Judy Panco brought.
Thank you Judy. You are a sweet friend, and we love you!

I hope tomorrow is an even better report.
Thanks for your prayers on Mom's behalf!


Monday, July 7, 2008

Exhausting Monday

Hi everyone.
The effects are starting to hit Mom like a truck.
She is exhausted, a little nauseous, and her mouth is starting to get sore again.

This is what she expects as her white blood cells start to die. She is so very tired tonight. Dad picked up some new anti nausea meds tonight and they have helped somewhat. He also picked up some new mouth wash medicine and are hoping that it will start to kick in soon so her mouth does not get full blown mucusitis like last round.

It's just the start of the effects, but we continue to pray that it is over soon so she can enjoy some great days like before round three.

Judy Panco kept her company today and Carmen and (her son) Kale are there tonight.

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement to Mom and Dad.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hmm. I've felt better.

Mom and Dad drove back up to Seattle today for Mom's shot.
She is very tired and feeling the effects of the chemo. She is nauseous again and was given a anti nausea pill while there, but still not feeling too well.

Today she is sleepy and just not feeling as well as she had been.
If you think of it, please pray for her o have some luck with the meds, get some rest and sleep well tonight.

Love you,

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Picture with Dr. Hickman

Hi everyone,

This picture is late in coming.
Let's just say my computer and I disagree a lot about how things should go.
The reality is, I should have bought a Mac. SOME may think that it wouldn't make a difference, but it's what I tell myself to feel better about my challenges.

This is a picture of Dr. Hickman, Brittain,Mom and Dad, just before he took Mom in to redo her port.

I love it that I have a picture of him with Britt and Mom. Who would have ever thought he would be such a blessing to me twice? First, he helped relieve pain for our son, and 13 years later for my Mother. God is SO good. Hope you enjoy this picture. Doesn't Mom look cute in her hat? Dad bought that one for her when they ran away to the beach.

Love you,

"Oh, I'm going for a ride...."

Sorry, I couldn't resist the song lyric for a title.
It's from Sesame street if you don't recognize it.
My Dad used to sing it when we would ask where we were going.
He did however change the words a bit because he's well, ornery.

I spoke with Mom and Dad last night and again a few times today.

Last night they were able to watch the fireworks on Lake Union from the 6th floor windows across from Mom's room. They said they were beautiful. There were smiley faces and large candles that looked lit, on candle holders. How do they do that? In addition to that they also ordered pizza in. The beauty and signifigance of that is that Mom still has her taste and was not nauseas! God is SO GOOD!!!

Mom finished her Ifosfomide about 2:20 AM and was then hooked up to the hydration flush due to run for 12 hours. About 9:00 AM her port area started to burn and hurt.
Her nurse stopped it and called the hemoc team to come up and evaluate her. They waited a couple hours and after the team came in, they decided she had received an acceptable amount and cut her loose. They de-accessed the port and she and Dad hit the road running. I asked her what was the first thing she wanted to do when she got home and she just wants her own shower. Isn't it the truth that it is really the simple things we miss the most when we are not within the comforts of our own homes?
So, by 1:00 this afternoon they were just getting onto I-5 headed south.

They do have to return to Seattle again tomorrow for that all important shot, but it's a bummer having to drive that distance for a 5 minute appointment.

A cancer treatment center recently opened in Centralia, so the plan is to coordinate and see if they could do the shot there after round #4. That would be a huge blessing in and of itself.

Thanks again to all of you that faithfully follow the blog and pray for Mom and Dad.
I also wanted to add a huge praise that I have repeatedly forgotten to add; Grandma Miller is back home and doing well. She did NOT have a heart attack. She was checked out thoroughly and doing well. Thanks to those of you who prayed for her and called to ask about her either to us, Sherry, Gary etc. We do appreciate you all.

Love to you all,
Kimberly and family

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

I asked Mom what she would like me to write to you all, and she said to tell you that she is counting all of her blessings and grateful for every new day.

She is still sounding great and went for another long walk this morning. Her knee replacement knee is moving really well, which is great news. She has fretted and worried that she wasn't getting enough movement in it due to all the bed rest. This is a huge relief to her, and Dad said she could have lapped me if I had been there this morning. :)

She is not sleeping at night as they are giving her a steroid shot at around 10Pm. It is a drug she has to have just before the Ifosfomide, and as it is due around 11PM. It makes her wired and keeps her awake all night. She will most likely nap on and off all day as she did yesterday.

This evening they will watch fireworks from the 6th floor over Lake Washington. One of the nurses said she would find them an empty room with a great view. If there isn't one, they can go to several different locations in the hospital to watch the celebration.

She should be getting out Saturday afternoon, so they are counting down the hours instead of days.

Chris came by yesterday.(Sarcoma survivor and med student) He gave Mom and Dad his cell number and told her to call him the next time she was back for round 4.
He said there is only about 300 sarcoma orthopaedic Dr.'s worldwide, and only 150 in the states. about 33 of them have done their training under Dr. Conrad.(Mom's Dr.)
It is a field they really need more Dr.'s in and to train under Dr. Conrad is a big deal. We feel so blessed to have Mom as his patient.

We wish you all a happy and blessed 4th. Be safe and happy!

Love from our family to yours,

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

Mom has had a great day again!
God is always present and there is a reason in His plan for all things.
Mom so needed a "decent" experience this time through. God knew more than us what she needed and boy has He delivered!

I can not even express in words the day and night difference this has been for Mom.
I spoke with Mom this morning and she sounded so good. She started the Ifosfomide at 10:00 last night and though she had experienced no mental side effects on Tuesday, we know that as the uptake of the medication continues throughout her system, that it can change quickly. I slept well, but woke often and each time spent time praying for Mom and then would quickly fall back to sleep again. I know many others tell me the same thing and that she is covered in prayer throughout the night.

When I called this morning she had that sweet lilt in her voice and I knew God had blessed her with another good night.

When I spoke with Carmen this afternoon, she said they had all gone for a 3 1/2 hour fieldtrip from her room. They had gone down to the 3rd floor for a cooffee and licorice and stayed outside on a patio for the entire time visiting and enjoying the weather. Yes, I did say licorice. She is eating real food, coffee, and even some candy!

This afternoon she had an unexpected visit from a young man who is a volunteer at the hospital. He had a sarcoma tumor on his back and went through 12 rounds of chemo, radiation, and surgery and is doing really well. He was also one of Dr. Conrad's patients, and goes to the hospital to encourage sarcoma patients. He has decided to become a Dr. and is now in medical school. His name is Chris and he was a huge blessing to Mom, Dad and Carmen today. He told them that chemo does get a little easier as they figure out the best dose and your body gets into a routine of receiving it. He said his first rounds were terrible as well, but to hang in there.
He told them he would return tomorrow to speak with them more.

Ijust spoke with Carmen and she is still doing well with just minor side effects.
I feel so encouraged as I write to you and want to thank you each for your prayers for them. I know it isn't over yet and things could still change, but I am praising God for every day that is not full of pain, confusion, and fear. God is faithful in the good and bad times, but Mom is really enjoying the rest from the bad.

Thank you again for your love of my family. You are loved right back!

Kimberly and family

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A new day.

Tuesday July 1, 2008

Today was a new day in more ways than one.
Not only was it in the very literal sense, but it was the best first 24 hours of chemotherapy yet. Mom had her first bag of Ifosfomide(One of the big dogs of chemo meds)hung last night around midnight. When I arrived this morning, she was sitting up dressed and in a yellow top and her cute yellow hat that you see in the picture.

She was so happy that she had not had any mental or neurological reactions to it and still felt good.

We took several walks today and even her knee was bending really well. It has not bent well after the replacement, but mainly (we feel) due to the sweeling and tumor placement in her leg. She was really encoutaged.

Dad had gotten her a notebook yesterday and she had written down 13 blessings for the day. I was pretty sure we could come up with 14 today and when I left this evening she was still thinking about them.

She did get sick once today while on a walk and threw up. It came on really suddenly and without much warning. She got some antinausea meds and later something for some heartburn symptoms, but nothing unmanageable as of yet.

They will hang the second bag of Ifosfomide tonight around 11:00 PM. Her other chemo med (Adromycin) runs 24 hours a day. We are really praying that this round will not kick her as hard since she came in feeling better and stronger than ever before.

She does have a rash and hives that are really bothersome so she is also taking some benedryl to help with those symptoms. We are hoping she will get a dermatologist consult tomorrow as this has been a daily occurance for the last 3+ weeks even while at home.

On another note, we got a call while in Mom's room that Dad's Mother (Grandma Miller)was being taken to the hospital for possible heart problems. We have spoken t o Troy, Sherry (Dad's sister) and Carmen several times to try and get an idea of how serious it was and if Dad needed to go. As of this afternoon and evening, she is stable, comfortable and at Providence hospital. It was hard for Dad to know what he should do, but we prayed that the Lord would give him wisdom and help him decide.
After talking to Troy and Sherry at the hospital, they felt comfortable that she was stable and that they would just be running tests. She is not apparently in any pain so we are grateful for that. I would ask that you pray for Grandma as well as Mom and Dad. It's not fun having your wife in one hospital and your Mother in another two hours away from each other. We do feel like they will get to the bottom of what is going on with Grandma and know that Aunt Sherry is with her at the hospital tonight and Gary (Dad's brother)will be there tonorrow. Carm and Troy have and will also be there at some point and I know that helps Dad a lot. Grandma's first name is Evelyn. Thank you for your prayers for her.

I am expecting if there are any bad reactions for Mom they still may be a day off.I am praying that she just continues to do remarkably well, but ask that you keep her in your prayers throughout the day and night when you think of her.

Will try to update earlier in the evening tomorrow as Carmen will be there and I will be able to update from home.

Thank you again for your prayers and love.
Kimberly and family